The issue is, randomly while playing any game I have, the normal music and sound effects shut off, and a very annoying "chirping noise starts" (sort of like scratching nails on a chalkboard) over and over in a steady beat. Sometimes when I zone out of an area, it corrects the issue, but normally I have to restart the game to fix it. This doesn't happen while playing my music or watching movies on my computer, it ONLY happens in games. When I play a game with winamp on, the sound effects for the game will shut off and the chirping will start, but winamp will still be running and playing my music just fine.
Anyone else have this problem before? I've had it for about 5 years now between 2 different computers now. The only tie between those computers is that I've had NWN installed on both with CEP and the works, and that I used the same OS disk for both. (Windows XP)
If you read my last post about the memory errors, you can only imagine how annoying my computer is right now... but there so much crap I need to back up that I've been putting off formatting.
[Logs into NWN]
[Plays for a little while... half hour later the chirping noise]
[Close NWN]
[Blue screen because I forgot my computer doesn't like me to exit NWN]
[Go shoot an undead monkey and swear a lot]
[repeat the above for the hell of it]