Author Topic: Video Card Suggestions  (Read 3192 times)


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Video Card Suggestions
« on: June 25, 2006, 04:10:27 PM »
Well, my good ol' GeForce 5200 decided to die a horrible death a few days ago... *Sniffs* I'm currently running on spare video card from a friend of mine, and while there's no rush, I'd like a new one.

Thing is, I don't know what to buy... I might change my comp in a couple of months, and if so I'd like to get a motherboard with PCI-Express, right now I've AGP, and I'm willing to spend up to $200 top on the said card, but I can't make up my mind on which to buy :? If either AGP or PCI-E I'll see I suppose, thing is the core... I'm slightly inclined towards GeForce 6600 GT, but that's just me.


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Video Card Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 04:25:11 PM »
If your looking for a card that will let you play nwn2 without a hitch I would suggest the EVGA E-GEFORCE 7600 GT. I purchased it for a computer I was building and It works great. With 256mb of ram your covered for anything out there (512 is usless atm unless you plan on doing alot of video editing). It's ready for PCI-E so when the time does come to get a new mobo with PCI-E you'll be covered. Like I said tho, this is just a personal pick, it works flawlessly for the pc I build and it's a beast of it's own.


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Video Card Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 06:03:27 PM »
:arrow: If it's just for NWN2 I'll say what I tell everyone, wait 'til closer to the release date. Prices on video cards change so quickly that it's well worth doing.

 :arrow: On the other hand if it's just for everything in general ,well, then you can't really go wrong with a 6600GT, they're still a very solid card. I suspect they're starting to show their age a little though, so you would probably be better off with something like the 7600GT in the long run.

 :arrow: A third option, if it's a combination of the two above (say mainly for NWN2 but also a bit for things in general) is to get something cheaper now just to tide you over. You can get a plain 6600, 6800, X700, X800, etc for relatively cheap these days and they should be a great improvement on the 5200. Then wait until after NWN2 is released and get something new then, when the GeForce 7XXX and X1000s have gone down in price.

I'm going with option number one, but then I have a 9800PRO (soft modded to XT) at the moment, so it should do me until NWN2 and maybe a little while after. ;)


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Video Card Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2006, 02:44:15 AM »
Don't buy EVGA, their customer support really let me down when my card had melt down 2 weeks before the warranty expired.  They offered me nothing but a several headaches:  no replacement, no reimbersement, not even sympathy.  EVGA, you lose.
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Video Card Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2006, 11:50:51 AM »
Thanks everyone for your input. I might do what sidfx suggests, getting a cheap one as a placeholder till I can go for the real thing, which I'm hoping will be PCI-Express and at a lower price when the moment comes since they keep coming down.

I've no complaints about my old 5200 really, I stressed it a lot... It could run Oblivion smoothly with a lot of the eye candy, go figure O.o of course I tweaked it beyond belief and I've 1,5 GB of RAM, but still I was able to play it fairly smoothly and looking good, so it served me well, may it rest in peace.


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