Author Topic: New premium mod announced.  (Read 3239 times)


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New premium mod announced.
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:18:58 PM »

Called infinite dungeons and looks like a blast as it takes place in undermountain.  The multi-player component sounds very fun.


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New premium mod announced.
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 10:20:57 PM »
Sounds cool, but I'm taking the same stand as I always have on the premium mods.  Why should I pay for a module?  I've been loyal enough to buy the game and expansions, so why should I have to spend another $10 just to play a single module?  Regardless of replay value.


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New premium mod announced.
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 10:30:22 PM »
Because at least a bit of it is financing and making worthwhile all the new goodies that come with the updates?


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New premium mod announced.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 10:32:48 PM »
8$ and supposedly 20-50 hours of gameplay.  For the price of a movie or a few beers I'll bite on that.  It looks like they have something appropriate for an undermountain dungeon tileset in this one, which was one of the weakest aspects of NWN, I thought... lack of a classic looking dungeon.

Joe the Dark

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New premium mod announced.
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 02:20:15 AM »
This frakkin rocks!

Elidrin is a VERY good friend of mine for over 20 years! We started playing the original D&D together and he was always a superb GM!

Me and a couple of our gaming PnP friends was playing NWN when it first came out and that is when we talked about us making a random dungeon mod so we can all play and didn't have any need for DMs IG. RDG has come a long way since it's birth. Elidrin was the one that dove in full bore on it and generated what is downloadable in NWN Vault, RDG9. We all participated in it's testing and concept ideas. There actually use to be more areas but after getting "lost" inside innumberable times we brought the number down to like only 25 areas.

I couldn't of been happier when Bioware first contacted him on the "Infinite Dungeons" project. I actually did a little testing, though not all that much on that one. He actually moved up to the northeast of the US to be closer to Bioware's headquarters in the fall of last year. Been in contact with him on it and just today we were talking about it supposedly being released this day. I am overjoyed that he got to do what he always dreamed of, to bring RDG to everyone AND work for Bioware.

My hats off to you Jason "Elidrin" Lowry!!!!

P.S.  I am sure it will be a great addition. DL it and see for yourself, I am.  :D

Joe the Dark


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New premium mod announced.
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 02:49:39 AM »
I haven't previously purchased any of the premium modules - but this one I definately will be buying.  Elidrin did a fantastic job with RDG9 - it was a superb effort in which I got many hours of pleasure from.   I always wondered why he didn't do anything more with it - but in retrospect, the reason is quite obvious! :)

Teaming him up with the Bioware guys + custom DLA content and music = good stuff I'm betting.

Me 'ats off to da duke!
"Hindsight is wonderful -- it shows you how you busted your skull . . . after you've busted it. " --- Friday, R.A. Heinlein
"Schoolteacher -- lost that job when they caught me teaching the kids the raw truth; a capital offense anywhere in the galaxy." ---- Time Enough For Love, R.A. Heinlein


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