Author Topic: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas  (Read 8223 times)


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A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« on: June 23, 2017, 02:24:49 AM »
Because why create a thread for each little tiny bullet point or suggestion or idea, right?  :)

Okay, here goes.

1)  A voiceset for the female dwarf wanted criminals.
2)  Some kind of use for lumps of Adamantine.
3)  One or more delivery-quest-giving NPCs.
4)  A merchant or two in Luskan.
5)  An Arcane Brotherhood in Luskan.
6)  A questgiver in the Cloaktower (perhaps one who sends members into the Arcane Brotherhood's dungeons to research, fetch, rescue or assassinate someone or something).
7)  More uses for rope items.
8)  More varieties of booze.
9)  More areas and/or hiding spots for wanted criminals (ie. the harpy lair, the wyverns' reach, the spider cave and its House Forgotten piece of the Underdark, the Fallen Tower cellar, etc.).
10)  A way to stop the Helm Guy from turning helmets and gloves into Plot items after he combines them and decombines them again.
11)  A way to recharge magic staffs, wands and rods, possibly through rare items or special quests to remote areas.

More to come, either from me or from anyone else.  Maybe I or other people can even throw up a few .erf files to help out.  :)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 02:29:56 AM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2017, 08:56:09 PM »
12) Actual names for Mirabar's citizens, just like Luskan and Neverwinter have.
13) Another bounty board or three (at the Prancing Badger, the Wolf's Wineskin, Port Llast, Lipali Isle and/or Luskan).
14) Maybe even another bounty officer or two at some of those places as well.
15) Areas all the way south to Waterdeep.
16) Areas all the way north to the Spine of the World, Icewind Dale or the Ten Towns.
17)  A big email blast to bring some of our old players back.
18)  Linking up with Skywing's Master Server replacement to bring in some new blood.  :)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 03:26:02 AM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2017, 03:54:41 AM »
19)  Prune the chat trees of the various NPCs (especially the Camp ones...Brius, Dodolrec or whatever his name is, etc) of all those inside-joke-ish "Hey, didn't you used to be over there?" or "Hey, what happened to such-and-such?" or "Hey, why aren't you wearing a pastrami sandwich on your head now?" dialogue options that were "current events" among the playerbase ten years ago.   :P
20)  Add those inside references to a book found in a store or at random in the loot, in case anyone actually does care whether or not Brius has always been in that same spot or whatever.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 03:58:30 AM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 12:05:34 AM »
21)  Splitting the bounty listings in the Minotaur Labyrinth.  As it stands, all criminals appearing in the Minotaur Labyrinth are listed under "Wanted Criminals (Recommended Levels 11-15)," no matter where in the Labyrinth they spawn.  The criminals hiding in the first Labyrinth area fit that description well enough, or maybe even the second area.  But if any mere Level 15 adventurer can plumb all the way down to the third Level without dying, kill X many Baphitaurs and Minotaurs Elite on the way, then kill Krotan and pick up any criminals hiding behind him (as these criminals often do), then I'd like to shake that adventurer's hand.   :P

22)  Come up with a way to take a criminal alive, perhaps with the Subdual tool...more troublesome that way, perhaps, but with potentially greater rewards.


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2017, 03:45:04 AM »
23)  More places for Niccolo to wander (Lipali Isle, Luskan, the old Guild of Shadows, that rope-accessible safe area way down in the Tower of Doom, Myrkul's temple inside the Old Tomb, Niccolo's own house...), with corresponding quips from his wife.

24)  Add Epic-only areas, merchants and/or other features to the Rogues Guild, the Many-Starred Cloak, the Bards Guild, the Arcane Archers Guild and/or any other guilds that haven't kept up with the Mercenary Guild.  ;)

25)  Fine-tune the guilds to be a bit less restrictive (ie. No more Level limits on the Merc Guild).

26)  Fine-tune the guilds to be a bit more exclusive (ie. no more dual Rogues Guild/Merc Guild memberships).

27)  Create factions for Clerics and/or Druids, possibly something to do with Tyr's Hall of Justice, the House of Pleasure and Pain, Lathander's temple, Luskan's temples to Auril and Umberlee, Myrkul's temple or Shirthoria's manor.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 01:43:25 PM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2017, 08:53:51 AM »
28)  A few tweaks to the scripting so that Power Attack, Expertise, Flurry of Blows and other Combat Modes must be manually toggled on and off (and thus won't automatically turn themselves off just because your character runs out of things to hit, which should spare us more than a few of those embarrassing "Well, I killed the three orcs swinging battle axes at my head, so I'm going to stop fighting and turn off Power Attack, even though there are still three orc archers loosing arrows at me, so now my player has to click Power Attack again before sending me over to kill that archer...okay, he's dead, dropping Power Attack, oh, right, two archers attacking me still, turn Power Attack on, charge the next archer, kill him, Power Attack off, Power Attack back on, charge the next archer..." incidents).

29)  Maybe just a little less Ale and Wine in the monster loot, thanks.  Especially ale.  I'm all for colorful loot, but you stack ten bottles of ale from all the loot and what are they worth?  The same 1 entire Gold that you'd get for only one.  Unless you're one of those players who will gladly split those ten ales into single bottles and sell them that way, and screw those guys.  The alternative is to leave a bunch of corpses lying around with their bottles of ale and wine unmolested, and that's probably not doing the server's Ping any favors.

30)  Alternate colorful loot.  Instead of ale and wine to give our beasties a splash of character, how about random nitnoid things like coral earrings, broken helmets, ivory statuettes, maps, crude sketches and the like?  It would make the monster loot a bit more interesting, and that stuff might actually be worth picking up and carrying around.  :)

Thanks.  I just felt like kvetching a bit after another romp through the Crags.   :P
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 08:58:34 AM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2017, 12:59:37 PM »
2)  Some kind of use for lumps of Adamantine.

Guess this would be the same as the dragon scales we get from Vison. It'd be nice to exchange these for a powerful crafted item.

3)  One or more delivery-quest-giving NPCs.

I think alot of times in the past quests ended up being easily exploitable to farm XP with minimum effort. This is an idea i'd like to expand on. If the server is going to remain so quiet it may be wise to start converting it to allow for single-player adventuring. Quests would be a good way to handle this, plus it'll be engaging to the player.

7)  More uses for rope items.

Funny enough i'd been adding this into my current project. I'd always liked the idea of having RP items around for players to get creative with. I'm gonna try and add shortcuts or hidden chests that are accessible only through ropes. Even with my limited scripting abilities it shouldn't be too difficult for this.

9)  More areas and/or hiding spots for wanted criminals (ie. the harpy lair, the wyverns' reach, the spider cave and its House Forgotten piece of the Underdark, the Fallen Tower cellar, etc.).

Trying to figure out how this is done. Can't find the tags necessary for criminals to spawn at. It shouldn't be too difficult to add more of these in.

12) Actual names for Mirabar's citizens, just like Luskan and Neverwinter have.

Another thing i was trying to figure out lol. It's damn time consuming making unique NPCs for entire cities, but i think this may be randomized to an extent. Along with their random dialogues. If anyone knows the script used for this feel free to PM/reply and let me know so i can apply it.

15) Areas all the way south to Waterdeep.
16) Areas all the way north to the Spine of the World, Icewind Dale or the Ten Towns.

Can't help with Waterdeep, but the new Zhentil Keep expands north into the ruins and close to Dragonspire Mountain. From there it could go into the Tortured Lands & Spine of the World beyond it. The current Zhentil Keep was made a long long time ago so it's geography is a little out-of-whack with the world, but i think most people have politely ignored that. :D

Once these new areas are added that i've built we'll beable to get a better grasp of how little/more can added to the server without removal of other areas. I think we're running into memory issues at this stage but that really isn't my area of expertise. I've been toying with ideas to save server resources but i'm not sure what is a realistic course of action.

17)  A big email blast to bring some of our old players back.

Something to look into aswell :) It's gotten real difficult to get in touch with people now with most of the old chat programs dead. Most people havent made the progression to Discord yet. I think it'd be best to hold this around some events. I'd be happy to host some when the time is right. I'm currently trying to fix my brother & house mates PCs so they can join us aswell. I may beable to rope in a few other IRL friends just to bolster numbers. Once there's a couple people hanging around the server we may get more logging on.

8)  Linking up with Skywing's Master Server replacement to bring in some new blood.

Could you explain what this is to me? Is it like the NWN server list website i find on google? What would it take to be on their server list? And would it be better to wait until we get a few people logging on more frequently so new blood have more than an empty server to run around in?

23)  More places for Niccolo to wander (Lipali Isle, Luskan, the old Guild of Shadows, that rope-accessible safe area way down in the Tower of Doom, Myrkul's temple inside the Old Tomb, Niccolo's own house...), with corresponding quips from his wife.

Niccolo is Moffs wee brain child so he'd need to let me know how to add more waypoints in with new bits of dialogue from his wife and then i could do it. :D

24)  Add Epic-only areas, merchants and/or other features to the Rogues Guild, the Many-Starred Cloak, the Bards Guild, the Arcane Archers Guild and/or any other guilds that haven't kept up with the Mercenary Guild.

Not sure if you mean epic-level dungeons or factions/guilds. This new area i'll be adding should scratch the epic-itch. Most of it is epic-level orientated, but it goes from level 12-25 in full. The main issue here being my monsters are custom-made to be better handling pre-buffed groups of adventurers. I can't see a solo player (even epic) being able to handle these areas.

27)  Create factions for Clerics and/or Druids, possibly something to do with Tyr's Hall of Justice, the House of Pleasure and Pain, Lathander's temple, Luskan's temples to Auril and Umberlee, Myrkul's temple or Shirthoria's manor.

I could add this no problems, but i'm not exactly sure what approach to take with factions. Just give them unique items/shops? NPCs? Quests?

The new Zhentil Keep will have a temple to Bane, Loviatar, Tymora, Tempus, The Red Knight... There's 1 or 2 others i'm forgetting right now. Right now they offer nothing but a temple area & NPC. As for what perks to give this it's anybodys guess. I'd love the idea of hiring mercenarys to these guilds for the players stuck in solo-crawling, but i don't know how easy that would be to implement. Maybe there's something on the nwvaults to allow for it.

30)  Alternate colorful loot.  Instead of ale and wine to give our beasties a splash of character, how about random nitnoid things like coral earrings, broken helmets, ivory statuettes, maps, crude sketches and the like?  It would make the monster loot a bit more interesting, and that stuff might actually be worth picking up and carrying around.

I don't think anyone can unravel the mystery of the loot system at this stage. I'd tried adding custom loot into areas before and it only appeared to work sometimes. Lake Stillness & The Forgotten Tower are 2 areas i definitely remember doing it. They would drop quite pricey misc items and were suppose to have some unique-rare loot - for Lake Stillness you can actually see the chest for this where the creatures have a 5% chance to drop [Artifact] bits of loot, but i've never actually see anyone with anything from it.

Anything thing to be realistic on. A new loot system would be awesome, but is it even possible to implement at this stage? Or is it going to be waste of resources to attempt something that may create more issues than it fixes? I'd be curious to know myself.

Some of your other suggestions i don't particularly have an opinion on or beyond my expertise to reply. :P

I'd be toying with the idea of maybe getting old players to post some details of their characters and implement them into the server, just to flesh the place out with new dialogue and some fresh faces. May be a nice way to immortalize their time on the server aswell. :)


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2017, 05:23:22 AM »
Guess this would be the same as the dragon scales we get from Vison. It'd be nice to exchange these for a powerful crafted item.
That or maybe it can be a special quest like Noili offers.  "Bring me 10 lumps of adamantine ore and I'll open my shop for you."  And you hand over the ore and the merchant offers a bunch of goodies that you can't find elsewhere on the server, like Potions of Stoneskin or Potions of Dragon's Breath or whatnot.  Turning in X many Dragon Scales might open another merchant's shop (or a separate shop from the same merchant) with Epic items...Legendary monk robes and gloves, Starmetal Tower Shields which weigh 10% (4.5 pounds), Rings of Regeneration +3 or +4, and so on.

I think alot of times in the past quests ended up being easily exploitable to farm XP with minimum effort. This is an idea i'd like to expand on. If the server is going to remain so quiet it may be wise to start converting it to allow for single-player adventuring. Quests would be a good way to handle this, plus it'll be engaging to the player.
There was talk of the receptionist in the Mercenaries Guild handing out quests, but her conversation script is broken, so she doesn't do that.  I also remember that someone gave out "Bring this metal ore to the smith in the Neverwinter Woods camp" once upon a time, but I haven't gotten that quest in years for some reason.

Funny enough i'd been adding this into my current project. I'd always liked the idea of having RP items around for players to get creative with. I'm gonna try and add shortcuts or hidden chests that are accessible only through ropes. Even with my limited scripting abilities it shouldn't be too difficult for this.
I think right now, the only use for ropes is with that pit in the third or fourth level of the Tower of Doom.  And you can get a rope from the first floor of that same dungeon, so there's not much incentive for characters to stock up on rope at the marketplace.  ;)

Another thing i was trying to figure out lol. It's damn time consuming making unique NPCs for entire cities, but i think this may be randomized to an extent. Along with their random dialogues. If anyone knows the script used for this feel free to PM/reply and let me know so i can apply it.
The townies in Neverwinter and Luskan seem to have static names, so it's probably just a matter of finding each townie's Ref# and changing "Mirabar Citizen" to something like "Jane Smith" or "Ignatius Snarfenblatter III" or whatever.  Randomized names and randomized townies (complete with randomized races, appearances and colors) are indeed possible through scripting, though; the Thay server does that already.  (And it's odd to realize how big, varied and cosmopolitan the Colds and Nefzen families tend to be, come to that. :p )

Can't help with Waterdeep, but the new Zhentil Keep expands north into the ruins and close to Dragonspire Mountain. From there it could go into the Tortured Lands & Spine of the World beyond it. The current Zhentil Keep was made a long long time ago so it's geography is a little out-of-whack with the world, but i think most people have politely ignored that. :D
The actual Zhentil Keep is way over on the Moonsea, so that would be quite a bit of geography to forgive.  ;)

I think that the Zhentarim Keep we have on the server (right around the corner from Luskan) is just a satellite outpost for the Zhentarim, who are headquartered in Zhentil Keep on the Moonsea.  Being a huge, influential alliance of mercenaries with possible "global shadow government" aspirations, the Zhentarim are all about setting up nearby outposts and offering their services to morally questionable city-states like Luskan (while simultaneously keeping tabs on those populaces for the purposes of surveillance, espionage and/or worse).

Something to look into aswell :) It's gotten real difficult to get in touch with people now with most of the old chat programs dead. Most people havent made the progression to Discord yet. I think it'd be best to hold this around some events. I'd be happy to host some when the time is right. I'm currently trying to fix my brother & house mates PCs so they can join us aswell. I may beable to rope in a few other IRL friends just to bolster numbers. Once there's a couple people hanging around the server we may get more logging on.
That's pretty much the reason why Tails and I like to park our characters somewhere in the server world and go AFK for several hours: Fluffing up the server's Player Count.  People who are passing by Legacy of the North aren't so likely to stop in and have a look around if there's no one else online, but with a few players holding the server up, they might drop in in search of roleplay, Q&A or someone to show them the ropes.

Some of those visitors might be trolls, gankers, griefers, hijackers or other malcontents, but at least those guys tend to be a minority these days.  I remember having to deal with idiots like Jerank and ShadowsAllAround some years back, and that's probably the one good thing to come out of the Master Server's death: Those social parasites were suddenly forced to get their jollies elsewhere.  Then NWN's community spruced up the client and created replacements for the Master Server, but the parasites stayed gone (to the best of my knowledge, anyway).  So thank goodness for little favors, I guess.

Could you explain what this is to me? Is it like the NWN server list website i find on google? What would it take to be on their server list? And would it be better to wait until we get a few people logging on more frequently so new blood have more than an empty server to run around in?
I covered this when we chatted on the server, but some NWN coder named Skywing created a replacement for the Master Server, and that's apparently what the NWN client is polling now.  Iscandar's website mentions that Legacy of the North isn't set up for Skywing's Gamespy replacement server, and it provides a link to the Neverwinter Nights Community Site with information on how to edit the Hosts file and set LotN (or other servers) up so that they appear on Skywing's server (and thus, can be polled and read by the NWN client):

Niccolo is Moffs wee brain child so he'd need to let me know how to add more waypoints in with new bits of dialogue from his wife and then i could do it. :D
At the very least, Niccolo needs to go home and spend time with Till and their daughter now and then.  What kind of father is always on the road while his daughter grows up without him?  :D

Not sure if you mean epic-level dungeons or factions/guilds. This new area i'll be adding should scratch the epic-itch. Most of it is epic-level orientated, but it goes from level 12-25 in full. The main issue here being my monsters are custom-made to be better handling pre-buffed groups of adventurers. I can't see a solo player (even epic) being able to handle these areas.
What I mean is how, if your character is with the Mercenaries Guild, there's that one helmed guard that won't let you past that one door if you're under Level 21.  But once you're Level 21 or over, the guard lets you enter the Epics-Only room, where there's a couple of merchants who sell some items for Epic characters.  Granted, you can find even better gear among the loot of high-level dungeons, but it's better than what all the non-Epic merchants in the Guild hall have to offer.

But not everyone can join the Mercenaries Guild, so throwing those members of other guilds a new bone whenever they turn Epic would be nice.  :)

I could add this no problems, but i'm not exactly sure what approach to take with factions. Just give them unique items/shops? NPCs? Quests?
Pretty much, I think.  Just like what any of the other guilds has to offer.  Even my Arcane Archer has gotten some pretty nice arrows from the Arcane Archers Guild in Kryptgarden.  She still can't hit that damned very-well-hidden-behind-hard-cover target, though.  :)

The new Zhentil Keep will have a temple to Bane, Loviatar, Tymora, Tempus, The Red Knight... There's 1 or 2 others i'm forgetting right now. Right now they offer nothing but a temple area & NPC. As for what perks to give this it's anybodys guess. I'd love the idea of hiring mercenarys to these guilds for the players stuck in solo-crawling, but i don't know how easy that would be to implement. Maybe there's something on the nwvaults to allow for it.
Or if not the new and improved Zhentarim Keep, there's also the idea of a new Thayvian Enclave.  Thay's magocracy sets up their little enclaves all over the Realms for the sake of trade, and because most of Thay's goods are made with cheap slave labor (and therefore can be sold for less), Thayan Enclaves are something like the Walmart stores of Faerun: Once one of them sets up shop in your neighborhood, they're probably going to run most of your Mom-and-Pop merchants out of business.

And as Thayans (Thayvians?) tend to do when they go abroad, they always bring their shrines and their favorite gods with them: Kossuth, Bane, Loviatar, Umberlee, Talona, Kelemvor, Cyric (sometimes) and maybe a smattering of other gods, usually the nasty ones.  Except for Velsharoon.  Ever since Szass Tam lost his famous bet with Velsharoon, Thayans tend to uphold a "Kill on sight" policy with regard to Velsharans...Velsharites...whatever they're called.  Because Szass Tam's a sore loser like that.   ;D

I don't think anyone can unravel the mystery of the loot system at this stage. I'd tried adding custom loot into areas before and it only appeared to work sometimes. Lake Stillness & The Forgotten Tower are 2 areas i definitely remember doing it. They would drop quite pricey misc items and were suppose to have some unique-rare loot - for Lake Stillness you can actually see the chest for this where the creatures have a 5% chance to drop [Artifact] bits of loot, but i've never actually see anyone with anything from it.
I have gotten a few incredibly nice items from the Fallen Tower and the Sepulchers myself.  That's where my gnome rogue Pibbly found her Legendary Dagger +5: By plumbing the Fallen Tower's basement and disarming or recovering all the traps as she went.  She always has to give the mutant scorpions a very wide breadth, though, or they'll instantly see through her attempts at stealth and kill her just as swiftly.  :o

But that dagger was totally worth the risk.   8)

I'd be toying with the idea of maybe getting old players to post some details of their characters and implement them into the server, just to flesh the place out with new dialogue and some fresh faces. May be a nice way to immortalize their time on the server aswell. :)
Ooh!  Like new books or other items!  I could go for seeing Marrelina's autobiography popping up in the bookstores or the loot or whatnot.  "The Twelve Strokes of Torment: The Life of Mother Starker" or something like that.  Who wouldn't get a rise out of seeing their characters quasi-immortalized like that?  :D


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2017, 05:54:10 AM »
Oh!  Also, something I picked up on after one of my not-Good characters killed several Neverwintan citizens recently:

31)  An automated Alignment shift system which covers various Good, Lawful and Chaotic actions as well as Evil ones.

(The Thay server also has one of these in place.  Drop a few coins in a dormitory's unattended "honor system" payment box while you're spending the day there?  Get a few points of Lawful.  Get drunk and smash down a door to one of the inn's guest rooms?  Get a few points of Chaotic.  Break a slave's chains and lead him out of Thay (or out of slavery in general)?  Get a few points of Good.  Tithes and donations at the shrines to various deities can shift your Alignment a little as well, depending on the deity's Alignment and the amount of Gold given.  Give Bane your pocket change and you might shift one point to Lawful or Evil.  Give Bane a million Gold and you'll shift five or ten points toward both Lawful and Evil.  Giving to morally and/or ethnically Neutral gods might shift your Alignment towards 50 ("Perfectly Neutral") if you're not quite there yet on the moral (Good/Evil) or ethical (Law/Chaos) axis.)

32)  More NPC chat options which depend on your character's Alignment.

We already see this with Shirthoria and with Tyr's priest/magistrate.  Even just a few new reactions or dialogue options from the townies and the merchants would lend more color to the world; guards might say "This humble soldier is at your service, [sir/madam]" to a Lawful sort, "[Time of day] bells and all is well, citizen" to a morally Neutral sort, or "Don't be starting any trouble on my watch, knave..." to the Chaotic sorts, as an example.

33)  More dialogue options which depend on your character's Race.

We already see this with the Dwarf Smith in the Mount Frostbite Mines (who only opens his store to dwarves and turns away anyone else); we also see this with the PC's dialogue options when talking to the elf who takes them to Kryptgarden (ie. your character never calls that elf "Long-ear" if your character is an elf himself/herself).  More NPCs could be changed to do this as well, whether it's the camper outside the Badmoon Village treating half-orc characters with suspicion or rancor (or perhaps even turning Hostile and attacking if the half-orc dares to talk to him), Droeline being a bit less of a jerky doofus with her fellow gnomes, the halflings in the halfling village treating halfling characters like prodigal sons returning home, and so forth.

(That could stand to be fixed with Noili, too.  Even gnomes, halflings and other dwarves can call Noili a "midget".  How black is that kettle, pot?)

34)  More NPC chat options which depend on your character's Class.

Various guards and other townies might have a few things to say to various characters of various classes.  "It's an honor to meet you, [sir/madam]!" to Paladins.  "You look pretty handy with a blade.  Have you considered joining the Watch?" to Fighters or Weapon Masters.  "No loitering, no panhandling and no street theater!  Move along." to Bards.  "You're a sneaky sort!  Do you have anything to confess?" to Rogues.  "Wh...why in Tyr's holy name are YOU staining our fair city with your very presence?" to Assassins, Blackguards and Pale Masters.  And so on.

35)  More NPC chat options which depend on your character's known languages.

One thing which I liked about the bygone Pirate Isles server was that certain NPC options and clickable objects had outcomes depending on which languages your character spoke; my Cleric of Umberlee couldn't speak Dwarven, so she had to pay another player's dwarf to follow her into some old dwarven ruins and translate some of the inscriptions on some of the walls, statues and sarcophagi for her (the inscriptions were clickable, but only characters fluent in Dwarven could read the inscriptions; everyone else got the "You can't decipher the ancient dwarven script" message).  But being a devout Umberlant, she could speak Aquan, so other player-characters would sometimes ask her to come with them and barter with the aquatic elf who kept an underwater shop in the Sea of Fallen Stars; the merchant would only open his shop to characters who could speak Aquan or Elven.

So maybe Niccolo could roll out his "special stock" to characters gracious enough to speak with him in his native Halfling, or the elves in Kryptgarden might be less standoffish to someone courteous enough to address them in Elven.  Even certain monsters might reserve special "OnSight" utterances for these characters, like a frost giant saying "Think not that I'll stay my hand if you address me so!" or "Die with my name on your lips!" as he charges to attack a character who speaks Jotun.  Et cetera.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 06:15:12 AM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2017, 01:27:55 AM »
Ooh!  Pibbly just got back out of the Fallen Tower dungeon, though she went so deep that she had to use her last Town Portal Wand to get back out...we're talking "All the way to that room with the weird white pattern thing and the three arch-bladelings with the funny names" deep.  Naturally, the one with the warhammer spotted her and came after her, and I figured that his Impossible CR wasn't lying; he probably would have mopped the floor with her.  So she fired off her Rabbit Feet, darted back out of there, burned up her Town Portal Wand and got out of there before Razzmatazz (or whatever his name is) caught up.  You know how the monster AI has that "Seek and Destroy without Error" feature; even if you close a bunch of doors, turn invisible and cross a transition or two, they'll still hunt your invisible butt down and start trying to stab it.   ::)

But not all was lost; Pibbly still got some nice things, the worst of which was a Vampiric Longsword (Enhancement +2, Vampiric Regen +2) and a Cloak of Protection +3.  The best goodie was a Greatsword of the Pixie King (Dagger +5, Keen, +2 to all Saves).  Too bad Pibbly has to get to Level 21 before she can equip it.  But it'll be sweet.  :)

So anyway, that adventure provoked a few more ideas:

36)  It's great that we get XP for successfully opening locks and disarming (or recovering) traps...but only when they're on chests.  Could characters get XP from disarming traps on doors as well?
36a)  What about XP for picking open locked doors?
36b)  Or for disarming traps on the floor?

37)  Can the "laser-guided AI" be fixed as well, so that creatures break off the chase if you turn invisible (and they don't have See Invisible or True Seeing running), cross a transition or get too far ahead of them?  Other servers have fixed the Bioware scripting somehow; I think it's something to do with refreshing the AI checks for line of sight or something.

Thanks again.  :)


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2017, 01:38:07 PM »
I don't think anyone can unravel the mystery of the loot system at this stage. I'd tried adding custom loot into areas before and it only appeared to work sometimes. Lake Stillness & The Forgotten Tower are 2 areas i definitely remember doing it. They would drop quite pricey misc items and were suppose to have some unique-rare loot - for Lake Stillness you can actually see the chest for this where the creatures have a 5% chance to drop [Artifact] bits of loot, but i've never actually see anyone with anything from it.

I have managed to find one artifact weapon, a Bastard Sword that is really good (Something akin to Frostmourn being it's name), but if memory serves that was either Tails or Demiurge's find originally. Which means between the three of us, we have one artifact weapon x.x

Also, I want to add that this conversation is great, and I'll be back to look through the ideas to see if I can help once I get a handle on..uh.. life.
"You get the award for the most characters clogging the veins of the server, building up like a plaque filled aorta"- DM Daisy.


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2017, 01:35:05 PM »
I have managed to find one artifact weapon, a Bastard Sword that is really good (Something akin to Frostmourn being it's name), but if memory serves that was either Tails or Demiurge's find originally. Which means between the three of us, we have one artifact weapon x.x
Ooh!  What do you say, Tails?  Are you the one who found Frostmourn?  :D

And are there any artifacts for monks, perchance?  :)

Also, I want to add that this conversation is great, and I'll be back to look through the ideas to see if I can help once I get a handle on..uh.. life.
Real life comes first.   Sure we completely understand here.  :)

Three more mini-suggestions:

38)  Wands of Town Portal for various other destinations, depending on where they're purchased (Town Portal to Neverwinter Wood, Town Portal to Neverwinter, Town Portal to Mirabar...).
39)  Snake Skins become harvestable with the Captain Gentry Skinner (just like with every other skinnable animal), rather than clicking on the snake carcasses.
40)  Non-skinnable animals which leave persistent, non-lootable corpses either become skinnable or vanish after death (ie. Wild Dogs, Wargh Pigahs).

Thanks.  :)

And what the heck was the Wand of Sakes Portal for?   :o
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 01:38:01 PM by Wids »


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Re: A Big Bag of Mini-Suggestion-Ideas
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2017, 02:23:57 AM »

41)  Please remove the "Black Fog of War" from Luskan's area maps.   8)

42)  And from Neverwinter too.

There's a way to completely remove the fog from certain areas, but I forget what it is.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 05:04:49 PM by Wids »


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