Author Topic: Traps in the woods: WAY too strong.  (Read 3920 times)


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Traps in the woods: WAY too strong.
« on: March 29, 2016, 04:25:33 PM »
We all know the dreaded electrical trap: High damage, easily kills off an unsuspecting player. However, I feel that the traps are far too strong for what they should be, especially for regions meant for levels 2 - 5.

And they're not just electric traps.

This nasty bugger was in the Neverwinter Wood - South, on a small bag in the SW corner of the area, killing a Rogue 2 / Bard 4 character for almost twice her health. On top of that, only a barbarian with 14 CON (or 12 + Toughness) and full hit points would be able to survive a hit like that.

So... what kind of trap is that? DC 26, capable of doing 92 fire damage? According to this page, that's... a deadly fire trap. 25d6 fire damage, DC 26.

What the heck is that doing in a region geared for new players?!

Can someone take a look at what creates the traps on these loot containers? I feel this was definitely not meant to be encountered for low-leveled players.
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Traps in the woods: WAY too strong.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 07:00:35 PM »
That's what you get for naming a character "Red Wing"!   ;D

*sends Pibbly to the South Neverwinter Wood to score some free Deadly traps*


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Re: Traps in the woods: WAY too strong.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 08:24:16 PM »
Sounds like the spawn system is on the fritz. Shouldn't be spawning anything stronger than average in that area.


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