Less than half a year has passed since the devastating destruction of Neverwinter's core trading district brought the Jewel of the North to its knees. With the help of the Lords Alliance and unexpected aid from Luskan the city has been rebuilt and shines even brighter than before. Many 'For Sale' signs hang from newly constructed apartments and is a stark reminder of just how many citizens were lost in the blast.
Stronger relationships with those who brought us aid in that dire time have caused a boom of prosperity as merchants and traders have flocked to the city to forge new trade agreements. With the last frosts of winter behind us many citizens are taking the springtime meaning of new life and renewal in a literal sense. But not all signs promise a long spring and deepening summer of carefree prosperity as our lord and his council convene behind closed doors to discuss how our city will pay off it's debt to the lords alliance.
With the number of watchmen severely reduced from the midwinter Furies attack citizens are fearful Neverwinter will choose to reduce the budget for city defense.
"Yes, well we can trust those blundering idiots to make one stupid choice after the other can't we? Mmm.. I have more than a few things to say about those pompous fools . Are you really a gnome reporter? Shouldn't you be designing a new way to clean up one of your failed experiments in a dinghy overly-small den somewhere? What do you mean you're already standing in a... Get out of my shop!" said Sand, a merchant In a dreary corner of the docks district.
Defense cuts are looking a likely decision by the city as crime has fallen in recent weeks. Officials claim crime is at an all-time lower because we are funding the city watch sufficiently and to lower it would mitigate any headway the watch has made in the wake of the destruction and war with the furies.
Other suggested cost cuts include a rise in docking tariffs, which may lower trade as ships choose to dock in port last instead. What citizens fear most is a rise in taxes, having only recently been reduced to levels seen only before the burning of Roid.
Whatever the case the council will be pinching pennies in order to find enough coin to repay the massive debt to the lords alliance, or we could be faced to strike a deal on which large yields of trade goods are shipped off in lieu of insufficient payment.
Patrolling watchmen on the east roads have received complaints from farmers that livestock are being stolen from their pastures in the dead of night. One farmer has reported several of his cows were slaughtered in a single evening as if a herd of predators had feasted upon the creatures.
f4m - Twenty-something dark-haired beauty searching for man of mystery and excitement. Must love purple, magic and full moons. Open to all things strange and adventurous. Any interest delivered to Hignar in the Neverwinter Wood camp.