I won't be implementing new Haks (unless we REALLY want one, and if we're sticking with CEP 2.3 there is no reason not to add more if we want), or updating CEP (We need to test to see if it can be done easily and without much issue before we even try).
Cleaning out old player housing. We have quite a few old houses that players just are not around to use. I suggest we remove everyone who doesn't play often and keep the housing in ERF form. This can save some server size, and open up the option for new housing if people want it.Re-light many areas of the server. Neverwinter Wood, Neverwinter City, and the High Road/Port Llast for start. The days are fairly fine, but nights are too bright and bland looking. Also ensure skyboxes are in every area. A few parts of the High Road have no skybox.Spruce up Neverwinter Wood. Change the general layout a tad. Don't move anything, but spruce the areas up and change things around slightly. This will help bring it back to life somewhat instead of the same old woods from years and years ago.Produce a list of overrides that are suggested to be downloaded by everyone. Not required, but suggested.
3. I'd touch some of the spawns as well to make them less crazy and more forgiving for low-leveled characters. Wolverines are still the most terrifying creature to spawn when you're only, what, level 4? If you're not well-equipped enough, that thing will tear you apart. Plus... the AI on those boars are silly (And I feel should be 'neutral').If we were to add new hak files (Which seems to have become the new norm), I'd start poking into Project Q stuff if it were allowed and more easily obtained by others. I highly dislike their current method of sharing their files currently, but that's just me. I'm still loving the outfits in there.
Any chance we could make the spawn points more random? Either their locations or, even better, what is spawned there.Almost everyone who plays on the server can tell you where the spawns and their triggers are, and what they'll face.Some of the wilder places could even produce encounters with more unusual beasties than the usual ogres or orcs.Variety is the spice of life!
Could you post the list and start the countdown?
I've actually already got a mostly-made spawn system that I can insert into the module. It is a big project, though, and I'll have to redraw all the triggers and stuff, so it'll be something I experiment with over time and implement bit by bit - you'll probably see this affecting the Wyverns and Bounties the most.
I was passing by the Prancing Badger Inn the other day, and this is another area that never gets used. We have a tavern where potential patrons run the risk of receiving Crippling Strikes from the bandits that wait outside!The Inn is out of the way enough for no-one to bother going out there. Dealing with Greenfields' ne'er-do-wells bushwhacking travellers is not what you're in the mood for when you're looking forward to a relaxing pint with friends.Could it be possible to move the bandits past the inn, placing their spawn point further north if not removing it completely? Also, making the Prancing Badger one of Niccolo's visiting sites could entice some custom to the area. It makes sense since it's close to his home (and Greenfields where he's bound to be having liaisons with some strumpet his poor wife is ignorant of!)