Curse of the Red Scorpion
Location: Calim Desert
Times: TBD. Likely one session per weekend. Starting in one-two weeks from this post date.
Max Number of Players: 8
Theme: You are part of a adventuring party that has been hired to explore what people are calling a 'Ghost Town' in the desert sands.
Character Restrictions: You can play any standard race or culture from Faerun. Characters must be a willing adventurers, but motives for adventuring are entirely up to you. I do suggest all players get together to decide what characters they want to build so that they can coordinate a proper party. Too often I have seen parties without access to divine casters, or parties with no trap/lock breakers. I suggest each of the standard d&d adventurer roles be filled by at least one PC. Those are Arcane Spellcaster, Divine Spellcaster, Front-line Combatant, and of course the Rogue.
Alignment Restrictions: For this campaign there are no Evil PC's allowed. Nothing against them, after all most of my characters are evil, but the nature of the story requires at least a basic respect for life. Even if it is just your own life and the lives of your friends.
Starting Level: 2. LOTN has a minimal level of 2 and I'm gonna start there.
Race Restriction: All standard races allowed. Up to 2 party members will be allowed to be non-standard races such as Tieflings, Aasimar, Gensai, or whatever. So fight among yourselves who wants to be if anyone does. Note: After the campaign you may, or may not, be allowed to keep your PC as is for play in the server. You should request your PC be allowed on the boards. For this campaign I suggest Fire and Air Gensai if you are going to be a Calim local.
Class Restrictions: None, and Shadowdancer and Red Dragon Disciple are allowed to be taken freely. However, again your character may or may not be allowed to continue after the campaign in the LOTN server if you choose to play one. If you desire to play either a Shadowdancer or a RDD you must request to play as normal to continue playing the character after the campaign. Also all Prestige Classes can only be taken by one character in the party, and each character can only have one prestige class. That means only one weapon master, one assassin, and one whatever. If you want your party to be all Clerics that is fine. But only one is going to be a Cleric/Blackguard.
Play Restriction: All Characters involved with the campaign must not be played in the server unless the campaign is in session. This is to prevent players from leveling up past their peers when not in session. You will be allowed to keep your PC's after the campaign is over for normal play provided they are LOTN legal. Anything else must be requested to be continued to play.
Spellcasting Notes: I do allow non-NWN spells to be used for RP. This means most spells that are in the 3.5 PHB can be a possible spell for use in my campaigns! There is a slight restriction to this though. I limit the number you can have for my own sanity. Clerics, Wizards, and Druids may select two spells for each spell level to have in addition to their normal spell allotment. Bards and Sorcerers may select one. These spells must be in the 3.5 PHB, and must be spells that do not have a similar spell in NWN, and a spell that has non-combat roles. I mean I won't pause combat for you to cast Baleful Polymorph, but I will do it out of combat. Good suggestions for these spells are things like Dimension Door, Mass Cure Light Wounds, or Tenser's Floating Disk. I also allow the non-nwn use of nwn spells such as Animate Dead working on actual corpses, and Charm Person making you a friend. Select wisely. You don't get to change them.
Animal Companion Notes: The game will be themed around a desert environment. If you choose to play a Druid or Ranger I would suggest the Hawk (bird of prey such as falcon or such), the wolf (coyote, hyena), the giant spider, or the dire rat as animal companions. Any other animal companion will have a difficult time in the desert. They will suffer a -4 penalty to any check I deem appropriate while in this environment.
Rest Restriction: PC's are required to rest only when appropriate to the campaign. Randomly resting in the dungeon, despite being legal in LOTN, will result in the entire party being ambushed by horrible, inappropriately powered monsters that will likely TPK the party. I will laugh. It will be funny. Everyone will hate you afterward.
Death Notes: PC's will get one free 'Raise Dead'. This means that one time each player will survive a near death experience and be allowed to return to the campaign freely. Any PC that dies after that will need the party to help resurrect them, or start a new character. No exceptions to this rule.
Environmental Hazards: I will be putting them in play. This will be a desert game. Heavy Armor is bad. Medium armor isn't good. Even light armor is uncomfortable at best in this heat. I use my own environment system for NWN that isn't exactly D&D standard. Basically in desert environments everyone must make a Fortitude Save every hour they are exposed to the untamed desert. The DC standard is 10, and raises by 1 for every previous hour spent in the untamed desert. The DC may go up if it is a particularly hot day, or down if it is unusually cold. Passing the check means you are ok. Failing the check results in a -2 penalty to all ability scores, and a 10% decrease to speed. The effects are cumulative and require one night or rest per failed check to recover. Characters take their armor check penalty to any fortitude saves made to avoid the desert heat. Rangers, Barbarians, and Druids do not suffer any penalty to fortitude saves in medium or light armor. Since there will be scenes where you will be spending time scouting desert areas, and times where random encounters may occur during these travels, it might be a good idea to take them into account.
Item Notes: Do not purchase any of the standard Bioware healing kits. Your going to be relying on clerics and potions fellas. You may want to invest in the DMFI bedrolls and tents available in LOTN. They will help you rest better in the desert and are better for RP anyway. Don't be afraid to buy the bundle or rope and such. PC's who have them will be able to use them.
Character Creation: Once I have my players I will start a new thread. There you can post your PC's with the template I will provide. Don't post your PC's yet. I highly suggest you talk with the other players and figure out party composition before you post your characters. No point in having two identical concepts, and you may want to play PC's with a preexisting relationship.
All players, once their characters are approved by me, can go ahead and make them whenever they wish. Once they are made you can level them up to level 2. Buy appropriate equipment. Even customize your armor/weapons and pick up your languages. DO NOT LEAVE THE OOC STARTING AREA! If you do you will have to make a new PC for the game.
Personal Items: You can ask to have a single item personalized for you. That means if you want your PC to have familial armor I will do that. If you want your PC to have a unique sword I will do that. Items will have their names changed to whatever you want, and they will have their description changed to whatever you want. They will not be magical. Oh, and do not buy your personalized item in the OOC starting area. I will provide it when the campaign starts.
If you wish to join the campaign please reply to this message!