Author Topic: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!  (Read 12699 times)


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Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:37:43 PM »
UPDATE: The current designated time for logging in is  7:00pm EDT (11:00pm UTC) on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Even if no one appears to be on, hang tight! Someone might just show up! :D

Original message

The server has seen a whole lot of emptiness lately for various reasons. Neverwinter Nights is old, the player base has stagnated quite a bit, the GameSpy server listing is kaputt, and often seeing '0/30' players is enough to discourage anyone from logging in. In this topic, The "Legacy" of the North, Sakes mentioned the possibility of setting up a time for us to log in. I believe this can work out if people are willing and it becomes interesting enough.

Similar to last year's discussion scheduling, I would like to start now on deciding possible times to log in to the server. It never is mandatory, but this is something we can attempt to do so we have people logging in with others. It doesn't have to be quests, but there would at least be some possible character interaction going on between players.

To start, I would recommend the old trend of 7:00pm EDT (11:00pm UTC) on Fridays and/or the weekend days. We could try logging on more than that, such as designating a time for every day instead, but that's really up to everyone here.  We can still use that IRC web-client if we want to talk about this in a more 'live' fashion.  Either way, I would like to hear some feedback from everyone so we can decide on a good time (or times) for logging in.

So... Thoughts?


Something to keep in mind, if we're going to do this. This upcoming question isn't meant to be answered here in the thread. Instead, I would encourage everyone to answer it themselves, then express it in game when applicable.

"What have your characters been up to?"

Sitting around a campfire tends to be a bit boring, especially when no one has anything interesting to do, share, or talk about. We've all been there, and we'd rather do something to either break the ice or move on to something else. To make things a tad more interesting, consider the following:

Around 3 years game time have passed by since the combined forces of the Furies threatened all of the Sword Coast North and things have fallen quiet. Characters, especially those that live the dangerous adventurer lifestyle, may have possibly moved on to other challenges during that time or have a few stories they're willing to share. Perhaps something is going wrong and someone needs help from another person (Possible quest?). Where some characters would normally retire, some may instead have heard a new calling. In short... what have your characters been up to all this time? What still needs done?

I'd also encourage hitting up a few open locations other than simply the campfire in Neverwinter Woods. Taverns, Port Llast, the Grove, Lipalli, wherever. You can only do so much when surrounded by tents, a fire, trees, and badgers.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 04:43:13 PM by Tails1879_ »
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 06:38:52 AM »
Sounds like a great idea. That said, it would help if we had someone to organize something, and perhaps a DM or two to hang around and introduce extra stuff for players. Of course, that also depends on how busy it gets.

Unfortunately, while I would love to hop on and join you guys, I am no longer available at the aforementioned time. It's a money vs. time conundrum. So, basically, you'll see me when you see me. It may help to have an alternate schedule, for those in different timezones or those that work late.

I'm going to have to figure out what the hell my toons have been doing for the past three years, though, other than sitting idly. Y'know, like they usually do.


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 10:23:35 AM »
Those times when I'd be available to play after midnight on weekends I would definitely join, if there was a group going. - But as it is, my life has been throwing me curveballs for the last couple of months and I am having a bit of a trouble catching them all as it is. I think I can't really be counted on to be able to play most of the time.

That said, if I -am- available for one of these, I could DM to help throw things together, and I think I could also work out what my vast army of characters have been doing. Just.. give me a sec to figure it out.
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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 11:38:04 PM »
Unfortunately, while I would love to hop on and join you guys, I am no longer available at the aforementioned time. It's a money vs. time conundrum. So, basically, you'll see me when you see me. It may help to have an alternate schedule, for those in different timezones or those that work late.

I had figured that the time proposed isn't the best for all timezones, even considering that it's around midnight (if not past) for even the European countries. I didn't put up an alternate schedule since I don't really know what would be best, so I'll leave it up to everyone else to decide on that. Having two (maybe even three) different times isn't a bad idea, but we should try to stick with no more than three at once.

EDIT: I mean "different times" in relation to the same day. A time for every day would be fine.

That said, if I -am- available for one of these, I could DM to help throw things together, and I think I could also work out what my vast army of characters have been doing. Just.. give me a sec to figure it out.

That's all right. I've been mulling over the idea to do little news snippets, specifically with one or two of my own characters, that could potentially open the way to little events/quests at some time. If I do, though, it may not be until either this weekend or next week (Exam stuff).
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 07:09:40 PM by Tails1879_ »
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 12:43:14 AM »
I like the idea but time skips are difficult to work out because you basically need everyone to 'agree' to them and not everyone gets the memo and then the timeline gets all confused.  It's typically easier just to do without them unless it involves a wipe and relaunch.

Otherwise, peachy.  If I'm available I'll be there.
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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 12:50:44 AM »
I like the idea but time skips are difficult to work out because you basically need everyone to 'agree' to them and not everyone gets the memo and then the timeline gets all confused.  It's typically easier just to do without them unless it involves a wipe and relaunch.

Otherwise, peachy.  If I'm available I'll be there.

I didn't mean to imply there were any time skips. I was going along with the whole server time speed (1 game hour = 15 real minutes) and stating that since the event last summer, 3 game years have passed by. Well, a lot still could happen in 9 months, yeah?
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 01:09:51 AM »
This is a fantastic idea Tails! On a side note Friday nights are generally not good for me unless you want drunk kattze. Sometime over the weekend is good whatever you decide.

I don't mind if we decide time has passed. It freshens things up.


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 02:07:55 AM »
I can be logged on pretty much anytime. If anyone needs an rp fix or just wants to hang out message me on MSN or something and I'll jump on. Also yes to the drunk Katie :-)


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2013, 05:34:29 AM »
When I'm on night shift, I stay up on my nights off - that is most of my gaming period - though it's a huge chunk and I normally even still log on to LOTN and just explore or try out some dungeons for nostalgia purposes.

So it's hard for me to schedule when I'll be on, but I've been on quite a bit lately, so I'm sure if you all start getting together you'll bump into me eventually... maybe even often ;)

It'd be great if people started showing up, I'll hunt you down and say "Oh, hello... I didn't expect to see anyone else on this road." Heheh...


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2013, 09:19:26 PM »
I'm going to try to be on tonight around 7 or 8 playerside and if there are enough people I might jump DMside. We'll see how the night goes :)


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2013, 07:58:14 AM »
Bah! Saturday nights are pnp rp nights for my gaming group now. Kids, jobs and old age do that to Saturday nights. :/


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2013, 06:12:11 PM »
This is a fantastic idea Tails! On a side note Friday nights are generally not good for me unless you want drunk kattze. Sometime over the weekend is good whatever you decide.
Bah! Saturday nights are pnp rp nights for my gaming group now. Kids, jobs and old age do that to Saturday nights. :/

I've proposed three days (Friday to Sunday), so if one day isn't good for you, we'll have two other days of the week to get together on LotN. That way, we'll hopefully catch as many as we can. I'd still like to hear if there would be a better time for everyone, and to propose a second time on the weekends set up for those that can't make it at all.

Also, it was Sakes' idea. I just went ahead and acted on it. ;>.>

If there's no objections to it, let's make it more official and say that the log in time will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 7pm EDT (11pm UTC), starting next week?
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2013, 08:51:10 AM »
I'll be there.


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2013, 08:42:41 PM »
I can't make regular evenings, but knowing a time when others are more likely to be around will definitely encourage me to drop in more often.

Except Saturdays.  I am also PNPing on Saturdays.  Star Wars Saga Edition.  I'm a droid.  Very exciting.  Except that I don't get a share of the loot.  Because, in the sociological scope of things, I technically am loot.  Good times.

But don't plan around me, since I won't be a regular for the time being.  I'll just try to occasionally make whatever you decide on.


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Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2013, 05:45:36 PM »
I'll be on if I can.  :) No promises, though. =P


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