Unfortunately, while I would love to hop on and join you guys, I am no longer available at the aforementioned time. It's a money vs. time conundrum. So, basically, you'll see me when you see me. It may help to have an alternate schedule, for those in different timezones or those that work late.
That said, if I -am- available for one of these, I could DM to help throw things together, and I think I could also work out what my vast army of characters have been doing. Just.. give me a sec to figure it out.
I like the idea but time skips are difficult to work out because you basically need everyone to 'agree' to them and not everyone gets the memo and then the timeline gets all confused. It's typically easier just to do without them unless it involves a wipe and relaunch.Otherwise, peachy. If I'm available I'll be there.
This is a fantastic idea Tails! On a side note Friday nights are generally not good for me unless you want drunk kattze. Sometime over the weekend is good whatever you decide.
Bah! Saturday nights are pnp rp nights for my gaming group now. Kids, jobs and old age do that to Saturday nights. :/