Author Topic: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions  (Read 20436 times)


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2008, 01:04:33 PM »
The Llast Word: Neverwinter Nine declared traitors by Lord Atheros, massive desertion hits Neverwinter troops

In an announcement that sent shock waves through Neverwinter, Lord Atheros has declared that he has evidence that the Nine were involved in a plot to overthrow the government and deliver the city to Luskan.  The announcement was met with shock and anger, but mostly disbelief.

Atheros has ordered the arrest of all of The Nine, including Sir Bradley, whom he claims engineered the plot against the city.   Bradley was with the Neverwintian troops when the announcement came, however instead of arresting their commander, every single man of the 135 man company deserted, making it the largest incident of desertion in the history of the city, and the only time an entire company, to the man, has refused orders.

Also unaccounted for is Sir Leonard of the nine, who escaped from Neverwinter prison, presumably with the aid of symapthizers.  

The mood is tense in Neverwinter as desertion and civil strife threaten to tear the city apart and make it impossible to defend against Luskan.  As of now, Luskan has not left its defensive fortifications to attempt an offensive, but theres no telling how long that will last.

Despite the turmoil, there still remain many troops loyal to Atheros, particularly those garrisoned in the city.  Neverwinter has insisted the situation is well under control, and that the traitors will be dealt with.

Meanwhile, food and supplies continue to be spread thin along the Neverwinter and Luskan line, and rumors of a pending food crisis in the city itself sometime in the next few months has the citizen on edge, many wondering how the war can be continuing at this point.  

Up until now, Luskan has invited the idea of peace talks, but with the current situation its unknown if peace is still on the table, of it they'll try to capitalize on the chaos to strike at Neverwinter, an uncertainly that is only terrifyingly the citizenry even more.
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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2008, 02:21:53 AM »
Atheros Slain; Lord Bradley ascends to throne

After a brief but destructive riot, Neverwinter city is back in order again as former Leader of the Nine Orrik Bradley has claimed the throne of Neverwinter after overwhelming support from both the guardsmen and military.

Food shortages brought on by the war sparked a violent incident in which several poorer citizens attacked members of the guard.  Atheros' retribution was swift and terrifying.  A sweep was conducted with the guardsmen 'putting down' those who were deemed 'dissidents'.  The action shocked the citizenry and sparked another revolt among the general populace.

Sir Bradley, already plotting a coup of the throne took advantage of the chaos to march on the castle with several supporters at his side.  In a bloody but brief battle, Bradley dispatched Atheros, ending the former general's reign.

Soon thereafter, the guardsmen issued their almost unanimous support for Bradley, who then accepted the Lordship.

Lord Bradley has signed a ceasefire with Luskan, and is currently negotiating for a formal peace treaty.  In addition, he has pardoned all deserters and freed several prisoners who were convicted of crimes under Atheros' rule.   Still others have been given new trials where tampering was suspected.  Evidence was also uncovered showing Atheros fabricated the evidence of Luskan's involvement in Nasher's death, with witnesses coming forward stating Atheros convinced them to lie in order to go to war with Luskan.  

With the war over, and Neverwinter united once again, things seem to be looking up for the weary city, however both Luskan and Neverwinter have suffered substantial losses to their military and navies which will likely take years to recover.

For now, all of the The North breathes a sign of relief.  The war is finally over.
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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2009, 11:17:09 PM »
Farmers and townsfolk alike are huddling within the walls of Port Llast, as the danger outside the walls has reached a critical level. Orcs, Trolls, Goblins and even stone giants have been so bold to directly assault the port, barely held off by the town guards and adventurer help. Citisens are reminded to be kind and respectful to the knights and soldiers who have been brave enough to re-enforce us.
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Llast Word: Dragons in the Skies
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2009, 11:18:02 PM »
We were left staring at the skies in wonder when we saw the two dragons shooting across the skies, but what was is all about?  As we all know, we have faced nearly two months of hardship under the recent orcish threat. Orcs, as many may know, are powerful physically but weak willed without Leadership. Their leader, a Great White Dragon identified as "Frygicrax", revealed itself in a terrible assault on Mirabar. Many lives were lost in the attack, but so too was a smaller white, believed to be the wyrmling of this Frygicrax.

Little was heard of the dragon between then and now, although it is said that adventurers used this time to concoct a plan while the orcs were held off by the brave soldiers. The Llast word regrets to admit having no inside information on this plan, but clearly it proved null and void when a Red Dragon made an intervention. The Identity of this red is yet unknown. Many say that it was the infamous Lord Visen. Dragon expert Vibius Rindree disputes this fact however. "The Dragon seen in the skies was no-where near the size of Visen" He Said. "And he did not bear the distinct scars and features of Hotenow's resident."

Neither Dragon was seen to emerge from the swamp where they crashed, suggesting both were killed by the event. However, when a regiment was sent into the area to confirm the deaths, they were unable to locate the bodies. Sergeant Errol Cobblerson spoke. "We assure the public that there is no reason to panic. The Dragons are definitely out of our hair. It is highly likely that this is the work of trolls or scavengers who wanted to use the hide and bones of the creature to make profit. Either that, or we got lost because our tracker is a complete moron..."

As expected, Orc activity has taken a sharp decline after the event. At last, we can breathe our sighs of relief and return to our Daily Lives.
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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 05:10:42 AM »
Many widows in the surrounding villages of Port Llast are grieving for their lost husbands and still left wondering just what claimed their lives.  In a story shrouded in mystery, very little has been discovered.  The next of kin were contacted via missives earlier this month notifying them of their passing accompanied with monetary compensation.
The Llast Word interviewed one of the distraught widows in the nearby village of Thundertree, shedding light on the situation, "My husband went off to work with some mining company to the North, supposedly on the edge of the Neverwinter Wood.  He normally stayed in town for work during harvest season but the pay was good, very good.  But it wasn't worth his life.  I was sent good coin to feed our two children.. and another one on the way.  But I'd rather give this coin back to get answers on just what happened to my husband."

In fact, upon the Llast Word's discovery, the missives sent to the widows were brief and insensitive, apparently penned by someone with little heart to the losses these families are going through, without even a body to send home.

One townsfolk dared to say what most were thinking, "I'm guessin' they were crushed by some rock if they din't bring even a morsel home.  Probably minin' rock that weren't theirs either, if'n they won't share what happened and where."

The Llast Word is looking for any information that could shed light on this unfortunate event and great loss.

Marietta plaguing the coast
The sunken ship Marietta has been sighted on several occasions off the coast of Port Llast in this most recent tenday by passing ships, and has been reported to be sailing of its own accord and persuing vessels.

The Marietta was a trading vessel based in the port of Waterdeep that happened to be sailing North in particularly bad weather.  The ships hull was breached when it ran into the notorious coral shelf just East of the Lipalli Isles.  All souls were lost aboard and an account by the crew of the Shining Opal say they saw Umberlee's waves claim it when the next unforgiving tide rolled in.

But the Marietta has been seen since, sailing of its own accord in the same area, without the sighting of a single crew on her deck.  All accounts of sightings have been checked by our reporters here at the Llast Word and it has been discovered all sightings are at night, and report the ship accompanying a strange, roiling mist.

All ships have been avoiding the mist when they pull in and out of port in the evenings, now referring to the Marietta as "Mary's Ghost".  Some wonder just what caused the ship to stay afloat, while many claim the ship was carying a shipment of magic items of power, causing the ship to take on its spectral form as the artifacts refuse to be claimed and lost forever.

A vessel is being prepared by the Port Llast officials to end the Marietta's ceaseless harassment of the vessels at night, and all willing adventurers can register their interest at the Town Hall.

A Crown Fit for a King
We do not have a King but we do have a Lord!  Lord Orrik Bradley of Neverwinter has sat on his throne crownless since the death of Lord Nasher Alagondar, unwilling to wear his former mentor's crown, instead having it buried with him.

A new crown has been fashioned for him, a band of silver and platinum inset with enough flawless sapphires, diamonds and emeralds coveted from the region to make any reputable gnome gem-cutter swoon!

Jidhen, apprentice gem-cutter and jeweller in Neverwinter's very own Twinklecut's Gemsetting & Jewellers gave us an exclusive scoop about the crown's significance, "Master Twinklecut was given full control by Lord Orrik himself to do whatever he wanted with the design.  He chose the sapphires to represent the rivers and sea that are so important to Neverwinter's trade, emeralds to represent the nearby woods that hold our name, diamonds to signify the bright future of the city and a very large ruby set at the front to represent Mt Hotenow, who without its warmth would have us living in a much different and less prosperous place.

The coronation is unfortunately a closed event, with only those of the court invited to attend.

Community Additions
Madam's Orphanage - penned by the children
We want to the thank the kind man who came to visit us and bring us chocolate cake before bedtime.  Can you play Lizards and Crypts with us all the time? - The Madam of the orphanage would also like to thank Kalo for his generous donation that will ensure the children get a good education.
Alliance Arms Inn
The Alliance Arms Inn is once again at the fine standard it once was after the many mishaps in the last few months.  I ensure you will have a quiet, comfortable and clean stay with high quality food and service! - Rollie


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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2010, 09:24:48 AM »
Strange Weather

Surprising many and delighing the children, the entire region has fallen under a blanket of unseasonal snow. This is not the first of the strange things that nature has wracked us with of late, however.

Not long ago, earthquakes left us all with hefty fees for repair. Especially those of us who work in TOWERS, which are particularly vulnerable to such disasters. This earthquake has lead to a suspected increase in activity of the nearby volcano,  Mt. Hotenow.

As we all know, the fire elementals there are what keeps neverwinter's supplies of water from freezing over. But this leads us to ask: Why has this lead to snow? If anything, Neverwinter's citisens should be walking in a cloud of steam, rather than snowdrifts.

Opinions are divided as to the reasons. Some say that the snow is a mercy from the gods to keep the people safe from erupting fire. Others lay blame on druids, who they believe hold hatred of the cities. And the rest believe there is something supernatural going on.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2010, 09:26:02 AM »
Seasons rebalance, and Blood spills in the north


Snows end:

The recent bouts of Phenominal weather are at an end, and at great sacrifice. Shortly before they ended, Mirabar came close to being overrun in an ice giant attack. One surviving Axe of mirabar, Marcus Blackhammer, points the blame squarely at adventurers.

"Aurilian priestesses were in town, asking for protection money like they always do in blizzards." He said. "Everyone here knows you only call on the ice witch's fury if you deny them. Its happened before. But did the 'adventurers' listen? Of course not. Bloody idiots all." Blackhammer was scrutinised heavily for his statements, but his views were also supported by some. Tavern debates will be ongoing for some time.

Possibly contributing to the problems are rhumors of the winter palace in Luskan being raided and exterminated. Perhaps a cause the the ill befalling Mirabar, or the deed that put an end to the snows. Information coming out of Luaskan is unclear. Whatever the reason, we have sunny days again, and for that we are thankful.


Silver dragon sightings.

Shortly after the snow ended, within the day some sources said, a metallic dragon was reported to have flown past Mirabar to make a brief stop in the forest of shadows, then return to where it came from in the spine of the world.
"Its i sign, i says." Says a man from Mirabar. "Means we're in less trouble with the chromatics."

The man's sister disagreed, saying "I think its the opposite. When we need the help of dragons, things are definitely serious."

There are hundreds of conflicting rhumors on the topic. The Llast Word however, will be the first newspaper to print when more news on the matter arises.


Killers claim four in Mirabar

Killers, or fools? Four people were killed in a surprise incident in the Goblet and Gem tavern in Mirabar. The bartender Jonald tells the whole story.

"It was strange. The two of them were in here for at least an hour before they even looked like they were going to do anything foul. One was a Darkly dressed halfling woman, and the other was something i haven't ever yet seen before. Like part man, part raven. The birdman seemed out of sorts almost. Had a vague, lost look. Kept calling the halfling "Mommy" and just plum gave her 50 platinums when the halfling asked.

Wasted it all gambling she did. After they wasted all the money, they talking quietly for a bit in a booth. Then the bird man just walked right up to one of my patrons, and just asked him 'Can i rob you? Mommy wants a brithday present.' Of course, the guy didnt take it well. Started dragging the thing off to take him to a guard he did. The thing started screaming gibberish, and stuck a knife in his gut. The Halfling panicked, and got out of there pretty much strait away. Bird man then turned and swung his blade into the next nearby person, one of our Gems, Clarissa. Two dwarven patrons then moved in to try and stop him, but it cut them up like a hot knife through butter.

Then he just made a run for it. Guards said he sprung some kind of shadow over them, and got away. It was a wildly unexpected thing. Now newspaper man, buy a drink? Business is slow with everyone afraid to come here..."

Needless to say, i bought a glass of milk. The axes of mirabar are asking nearby authorities to be on the look out for people by these descriptions. Thats a Halfling woman who dresses in black, and a half raven man.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2010, 05:16:42 AM »
Beggar's Nest Quarantined


Alarm in the Jewel of the North has arrived in a wave overnight with the breaking news of the breakout of a mysterious sickness. Fearing a second Ocurrance of the wailing death, the neverwinter watch was forced to close off the Beggars nest district of Neverwinter city. The order was given by captain Grace Partridge, who runs the watch in the district.
Reports coming out of the now quarantine zone are unsettling. The guarsmen who have been inside spoke of paleness in the people, as well as claims of light sensitivity, weakness, nausea, violent tendancies, halitosis and comas. Vermin activity is also on an all time high.

The many starred cloak were asked to help in the identification of the disease, who responded saying that their tasks they give to members are strictly voluntary, and that a specialist will be provided as soon as someone confident enough to brave the quarantine zone.

More information is yet to be learned, and the Llast word will report as soon as new news is available...


The blacklake district of neverwinter city was rocked with an explosion that caused damages to four households. The entire family of Lakesbrough perished in the fire of their home, and injuries were suffered by masters Raynsford and Greyfarrow, as well as expensive damages to all houses.

One of the watchman mentioned that he saw a cloaked figure around the area before the explosion.  When questioned, her replied: "I assumed his reasons for hiding his face were that he was on his way to the house of pleasure and pain. I've pulled over enough suspiscious characters only for them to turn out to be embarressed nobles."

All surviving families are very offended and frightened after the attack, and call for any information that may be related to be immediately brought to a watch officer.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2010, 08:07:36 AM »
Plague Identified

The plague in the beggar's nest has been identified, and is more unsettling than anyone had even feared. A curse has befallen our fair city in the shape of a lesser variant of Vampirism. One man escaped the district to tell all, a homeless man who managed to avoid infection by drinking only wine instead of the contaminated water that caused the disaster.

"Soon as that lady made me Sober, it were a nightmare" Said the man, who wishes to remain nameless. "Everyone was all pale like, shambling about disoriented, eating rats. Captain Partridge whats is the lady who commands the guards in the nest is dead now, too. Pity, she were a real nice lady. Burst into fire when theys tried to use healing on her. Aye, i was real frightened. Moreso when they pulled that vampire head out of the water. Aye, these is nightmare days."

The tainted waters have since been blocked off and cleansed, but the people still are showing the symptoms and traits of the illness. I questioned a number of people to see what opinons they had on the matter. One of these ideas will hopefully triumph, for the quarantine is not something the city leadership is willing to let persist.

The shocking idea of Genocide was suggested by Krell, a druid i spoke to, saying that "They should be purged before they can spread the infection further". Truely, many people are in support of this idea, unwilling to at all share their city with these tainted people.

"Genocide? No, i will not allow genocide of the population. Even those in the beggar's nest" Said a woman who's name i picked up was Sharon. She persisted with the idea that the people of the beggar's nest retained their humanity, even with this taint of darkness. When i asked others what they thought of this theory, they were alarmed, but a few agreed with these statements.

"I believe this is an opportunity." Said Goettsch, a transmuter from the Cloaktower. "I am a user of Magical shapeshifting myself i understand how many 'Monsters' work physiologically, and i believe there are many creatures and entities that could add great efficiancy to the city if we can just overcome our squeamishness of living with neighbours so different to ourselves." This opinion is a hotly controversial one met by many with outright disgust, but there are a small number of citizens in support of Goettsch's radical opinion.

"I think we should just make them go away." Said someone whose name i didnt catch. "They can have their own city where they can live in peace, but i don't want them anywhere near me." This is the second most popular idea under the genocideists.

Fortunately, the reason behind why the well was contaminated has come to light. The responsible party is supposedly the same creature responsible for the Murders in Mirabar, a man who is half bird. For whatever diabolical reasons, he was the one to contaminate the water and cause the disaster. Watchmen are confident that this fugitive will be easy to find, with such a clear description.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2010, 01:48:54 AM »
This is an old one. I always forget to put them here

Llast Word - Order given for infected resettlement

Submitting to the majority demand from the public, Lord Bradley has gone ahead with the order to relocate the tainted citizens before civil unrest becomes too high. The accursed population of the beggar's nest is to be moved to a temporary settlement at Armon cove.

This is a relieving developement for some, and startling for others. While most are relieved that they will once again be living in a safe city, many are concerned that this will merely create another enemy for neverwinter, and forever condemn those people to the shadows. Guards who notified the beggar's nest citizens of the relocation said they were suspiscious of already rising cult activity among the accursed population.

In other news, the long-awaited trial and execution of the notorious Haley Di'Len has finally come to pass. Her crimes are so grievous and severe that i hesitate to detail them to the public. We rejoice to say however, that she no longer stalks our nights. She is buried safely in the tomb of the betrayers.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2010, 03:04:56 AM »
Llast word - Noble schisms, and threats to the mind.

~Nobles Divided~

Neverwintan aristocratic gossips are alive with talk of the disappearance of Lillend Foxwell, the daughter of Major Marius Foxwell, formerly a prominent figure in the Neverwinter guard. The Foxwells lay their blame upon Killian Greyfarrow, The brother of Master Jacob Greyfarrow. The Grewfarrows deny the Allegations, But the Foxwells are demanding investigations.

~The mind is a terrible thing to lose~

While the poor deranged beggars at the docks are certainly brought to mind, this is not in fact the matter at hand. A Local sorceress and her husband came into the offices of the Llast word, speaking caution against an incursion of the dreaded Mind-flayers. These monsters are not to be underestimated, and can end your life without even letting you fight. While you are cautioned against these tentacled horrors, people are warned to also be aware of family and friends acting strangely.

~Jack and Sabre Ransacked~

Another blow to the local men in blue as a Port Llast guard was found unconscious alongside an equality lucid Silas, the local bartender at the Jack & Saber.  Originally it was thought the dwarven barkeep had picked a fight, as he often does, with the guard but once they regained consciousness it was revealed both men were disabled by a group of ruffians with no less than 5 men who had previously ransacked the tavern.

Port Llast is currently offering a 5000 gold reward to the apprehension of the ruffian leader Jon who wears dark spiked leather armor and packs a mean left-handed hook.
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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2010, 05:40:02 AM »

The Church of the Morninglord in Neverwinter is pleading for the person who unlawfully removed an ancient urn from the church's vaults to return it immediately.  The church warns the urn may be dangerous in the wrong hands.
The urn was discovered missing on the morning of the 19th of Mirtul.
Any information leading to the return of the urn will be rewarded and is to be reported at the Neverwinter Castle.


Word from an unnnamed source has revealed Neverwinter Wood is to become a major trading hub between the coastal ports and eastern farmland, removing days of travel time.  Volothamp Geddarm, who has been revealed as one of the planners, refuses to comment on the development.  One can only assume the druids and elves of the wood have agreed to cut down some trees to make way for the trade routes but the Llast Word has been unable to find one to talk to.


Citizens of Neverwinter woke up to a wintry white morning this week.  A cold wind brought a sprinkling of snow overnight and children wasted no time donning their mittens and filling the streets with laughter and misguided snowballs.
"This is the first bit of snow my Donivan's seen.  I'm just glad he got to experience it.  It happens only once every few years!" said loving mother Carol in the Blacklake District on that day.
Ofcourse not everyone was enjoying the snow.  Dockworkers found the ground treacherous and one man lost his finger that day to a pulley while unloading stock.


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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 07:54:06 AM »

Finally recovering from a devastated attack from an as of yet unknown foe, Neverwinter is once again whole. Endless hours of toiling have been made to bring us an entirely new City Core district. Citizens are excited to see the unveiling of many buildings, restored and new alike. Well-known noble Klarie Kross says, "The new City Core is just gorgeous! Traffic to and from the Blacklake is so much less!". With the changes made to the City Core and the market within, economy is expected to be booming for the next few years.


In an unexpected turn of events, the small coastal town of Port Llast has been struck by a recent barrage of freak tidal waves. Strangers were seen wandering about, arousing suspicions that this may be of similar nature to the recent attack on Neverwinter. Captain Dothwintyl of the Llast Guard refused to explain their presence, short of the comment of "Everything is well under control.". No significant damage was sustained from the waves, but a watch has been proposed to keep an eye for future threats.


The Llast Word is looking for a new editor to help with the overwhelming demand for quality articles! Speak to Hibbald of The Llast Word, in the south of Port Llast for inquiries.


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Re: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2015, 12:02:15 PM »

Citizens of Neverwinter awoke this early morning to the booming voice of an angel, descended into the city from the massive Tyrran army that awaited south of her walls. Announcing his intentions to eradicate a force of evil within the Jewel of the North, the celestial being flew to the Blacklake district and began to destroy the House of Pleasure and Pain, a popular yet controversial place of sanctioned Loviatar worship. Although the temple's head priestess Olya attempted to defend the temple, the summoning of devils forced several guardsmen and adventurers to intervene. Ultimately, the building was destroyed.

The House of Pleasure and Pain was a controversial business that had been approved several years prior. Although the business has drawn criticism for fostering worship to Loviatar, the location of the temple incited far more anger. Despite petitions to Castle Never, the building remained in place for several more years until its recent destruction.

Although many rumours are circulating about the event, the heated debate has also sprung up over allowing such a temple in the city once more among the nobility. While many folk are happy to see the work of the divine striking away corruption from the city, some have argued that such an outsider should not force its influence into the mortal realm over a bathhouse.

Soon after the destruction of the building, the great army that stood outside of Neverwinter marched away and disbanded.

WANTED: Lia Moonshadow

Charged with inciting a rebellion, insurrection, and destruction of private property, Lia Moonshadow is wanted for her crimes against Neverwinter. The bounty has been posted up in the Mercenary Guild and requests those seeking her out to bring her in alive to the guild officers. A reward of 25,000 gold coins will be paid to those that bring her in alive. For any additional information, please inquire at the Mercenary Guild in the City Core of Neverwinter.


By recommendation from Lord Bradley himself and her ever-vigilant work in the Neverwinter City Watch, Cora Welby has been offered the position of Captain in the city watch. Recent investigations lead by Ms. Welby had managed to uncover one of the city's more radical groups conspiring against several of the city's citizens, including an attack on the Raynsford estate. Ms. Welby graciously accepted the position and will continue serving the city as Captain.
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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