Dear Fellows,
I need to tell you this since I'm in Neverwinter. The blade, Tymora's Dagger, was taken from me when I first entered the Forests just outside the city. I don't know how long I was passed out, a couple days, a week, more or less. Anyways, I spent the time before sending this letter was searching for leads to the sword. I won't stop till it's back in Tymora's devoted hands.
This is the report portion of the letter.
Though out this "travel to protect Tymora's Dagger" I had an uneasy feeling from the start. Why the head of our order chose me to carry the blade, I don't know. I have been traveling a year disguised as a priest of Tymora. I figured paladins are just the warrior priests of our deities so I passed rather easily as one. I left the main duties of the clergy to the clergy, but I did some to blend in.
Hopefully the other members aren't bothered. I knew my route by heart. I also didn't like the fact that members of the Tester order plotted the route. They tend to put us in the most hazardous area's of the world. Beautiful as it was, I couldn't help but feel something was even more wrong when I entered Neverwinter Woods. Like the eyes of Beshaba was on me or something. What happened to the Testers carrying the fake relics I don't know. If the same thing befell them as it has me, then they're probably dead. I was ambushed and the sword stolen. I saw a dark aura as if it came from another paladin before I was knocked out. An Aura of Evil. How long I was asleep, I don't know. I know my head was pounding when I woke, but that's about it.
Since that time, I brought in many bounties and hoped one of them was the attacker. But they were to little armed and too stupid so far to give me a decent lead. So I hunt still, hoping that I pick up a decent trail to follow. I have tried scrying with a powerful mage, but she couldn't find the blade, despite accuracy of the description.
Wish me Luck,
Paladin of Freedom, Timothy Winterwolf
P.S. Don't send Testers to plan the routes next time.