Author Topic: The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions  (Read 20437 times)


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« on: January 21, 2006, 07:13:22 PM »
The Llast Word – Edition 27

Conflict, concluded? [player submitted]

Just when General Rhydin didn't think things could get any worse for
him, a new foe presents itself. As reported in the last issue, things
looked to be getting worse with the gnoll Bruk when General Rhydin and
his officer Fera'wyn were captured by the beast.  Recently, however,
things seem to be looking up.

As a group of friends sat exchanging stories around the campfire in
Neverwinter Wood one recent evening, Bruk approached the fire demanding
to see their chief.  When told that the "chief" wasn't there, the
flustered beast stalked off and warned them to get him soon.

A group of bold individuals sought him out where he was sited once
before.  Cornered, the chieftain signaled for reinforcements and seemed
poised to destroy the small band and the camp which stood almost
defenseless behind them.  Repeating statements about "fire eyes" and
how he would kill them all, it seemed like the camp would be lost.

However, as if by miracle, Bruk called off his troops and instead
settled with a meeting with the ULA's own Caradus Flavek.

After a while the beast then demanded to meet with the camp's "shaman
with the big dog", Keyn.  He was taken, bound and blindfolded, into an
underground den of gnolls.  The druid bravely accepted.  Several hours
passed, and back at the camp the tension was mounting.  Would the druid
return alive?  Would the camp survive the night?  Everyone seemed to
have their own theories, but only time would tell what the result would

Meanwhile, pushing himself almost to the point of exhaustion, Keyn
healed Bruk's mate Chak.  He later found out that she had been tortured
for days and had her eyes burned out by a group of "fat armored men"
who wore symbols of "black claw and grass light."  Keyn deduced that
this meant Banites (whose symbols is a black gauntlet surrounded by a
green starburst).  After healing her and hearing her story, he then
spoke with Bruk.

Keyn offered Bruk an alliance, saying that it could benefit both us and
them by fighting the common foe.  Bruk did not have much to say on that
matter, saying only "Bane die."  However, when Keyn offered Bruk a
truce, the gnoll leader accepted.  So, for those of you new to this
situation:  Do not harm them, and they will not harm you.

The motives of the Banites cannot be exactly pinned down in this
situation.  Most think that they were trying to strike yet another blow
to the ULA to weaken their front and divide their forces.  Also, the
role of the "bat lady", believed to be a tiefling or half-demon, is
still unknown.  Unfortunately, she perished in an earlier battle before
she could be interrogated.  Keyn theorizes that she was probably
working with the Banites as an agent in this matter, knowing that the
gnolls would not immediately associate her with the "fat armored men."

Yet another blow to the ULA is the loss of a high ranked officer,
Fera'wyn, also known as Fawn.  The officer, in an attempt to get the
gnoll Chak out of the enemy's hands, gave her the chance to escape, but
left herself helpless to the enemy.

Things are still uncertain, and the conflict with the gnolls is over.  
However, the true enemy still stands, strong and proud.  Still, victory
remains:  Neverwinter Wood can sleep a little more peacefully this
night, knowing that one threat less will trouble them.

Editors Note:

Fera’wyn, a Corporal (not high ranking as previously written) in the ULA has been since retrieved through the efforts of friends and ULA.  She was found being held prisoner in the Sunite Temple where she was well looked after by the priestesses.  She refused to comment on her captivity prior to being moved to the temple.

The greatest boon for the ULA was that in rescuing the captive, a series of tunnels were discovered by an undisclosed person.  The tunnels were found to lead from behind enemy lines to the area just beside the ULA trenches.  This could have been a devastating blow to the ULA as the trenches would have quickly become graves for the trapped ULA soldiers once surrounded.  Field Marshall Flavek had set orders for Lt. Yuzuki to collapse the tunnels even if he and the rescue party did not return as scheduled.

The tunnels have been eliminated, the ULA now wiser for the near miss and running regular patrols seeking any further activity of this type.

On the Lighter Side

The laughter that fills the Neverwinter Woods has been increasing in frequency.  The childlike giggles of what one assumes to be a small girl and her younger brother (inferred by some of the over heard tidbits of conversation) bring a sprinkling of joy to the otherwise dark woods.  Few claim to have met the pair … but aren’t really sure of what took place enough to comment.

An End to the Drow?

Fewer drow have been spotted throughout the region of late.  The officials at the Mercenary’s Guild report less than two ears per week are being turned in for the reward.

Leaves one to wonder, are they gone or just more clever?  Keep your eyes pealed, the five hundred gold for each right ear still applies!
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 05:35:55 AM »
The Llast Word – Edition 28


With no sight seen of General Rhydin over the past months, things are looking bleak for the ULA who continues to suffer losses in both their front line and their morale.  It is rumored that Lord Nasher has caught wind of the missing General and the stories that are floating about camp and is not at all pleased.  Speculators believe that Lord Nasher will step in soon with a General of his own and take the reigns of the floundering organization if someone else doesn’t step up soon.

Our sources overheard that when queried about his whereabouts Field Marshall Jan Dane stated that the General was taking some personal leave with his wife and son.  Others state that the General has fallen in battle and others still think he may have deflected to the other side alongside his Private “dancer” Baelwyn.

We have it on good authority that Baelwyn, former Private in the ULA, has openly declared her intentions to side with what she believes to be the winning team.  During her cousins captivity, she disappeared only to reappear with an altered attitude and a new alliance with the Banites.

To worsen matters, Baelwyn was a known morale officer for the ULA.  Alongside with her cousin, Fera’wyn, they were tasked to bring the faltering ULA morale up.  Fera’wyn has been staying at the base since her return from captivity.  It is unclear if she is being protected or held.  ULA spokesperson would not comment.  

Fair fares?

Captain Mirna has raised her fee for ferrying adventurers to and from the port of Neverwinter to the northern shore nearing Mirabar.  The Captain states that the increased voyages have made her recruit more sailors and therefore the need for the increase.  We believe it’s the knowledge that to not take the boat means the treacherous journey through the orc infested crags or a tip toeing through the war zone.  Either way, she now charges one hundred gold for the return trip.

Gentle Wind?

Buried under fallen trees and rocks the body of the elf known as Wind was found today. After being rescued by three local adventures the elf told his tale on his attempt to defeat an unknown elven spell weaver and her pet dragon from stealing one of the grove's rarest and sacred beasts.

Both the elf and dryad were left bruised and harmed by the sorceress spells and powerful dragon's tail. The two left the grove with the imprisoned forest creature not before destroying a large part of the grove in a fight against the elven bowman.

His shoots were clear and powerful though could not pierce the woman's magical barriers or her dragon's scale. Though the elf did not let go without a fight - after dodging most of the magician's spells and the dragon's lashed tail a single arrow was able to leave the dragon fleeing with only one eye.

His victory came short however, as the elven mage was able to send one final spell, one direct hit to the elf's heart that left him at near death state.

[This article was carefully scrolled and left outside the Llastword office.  Author unknown]
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2006, 01:54:26 AM »
Llast Word – Edition 29


After a quiet disagreement with Ritham, a plainly clad woman left camp in a huff.

Later that day, camp was attacked by several of the metal golems from the South. After the turmoil, Ritham was nowhere to be found. Celofin, responsible for the defeat of the golems tried to locate the merchant to no avail. He was concerned about the missing merchant and the sudden departure of the two known Banites that were in camp during the attack, Drada and Sakron.

Enlisting the help of Vine, another adventurer, they were able to track what they believed to be the merchant to the Llast Inn near Westing Lok. After deliberating as to go for help or attack, regrettably, they opted to attack the two Banite guards in front of the inn. Luckily they were assisted by Nadia who had been passing by the area and they defeated the outside guards… only to have Celorfin and Vine fall to the Banites inside. Nadia employed her stealth and trap setting skills to reduce the numbers considerably before being slain in a stand off of sorts.

Ritham was being held, questioned, and was believed to be tortured in a back room of the inn during the attempted rescue. When he returned to camp later that evening, he refused to discuss the events but it is rumored that he had to be attended by several healers to restore some sensitive areas in addition to his cut jaw. Ritham and Vine escaped out the back window while the battle was being fought.

Drada and Sakron, leaving with the bodies of Nadia and Celofin, were met in front of the inn by Vine and the back up he had recruited: Benedict, Arthur, and Briana. Drada was not seeking another fight, and informed the others that they did not kill any of the people inside the inn or Celorfin but that they would not be returning the body of Nadia. It is unclear who made the first attack, but someone raised a weapon against the Banites and all were slain.

Rafferty came upon the scene and demanded that all the bodies be left to him so he could assist them. Again, Drada and Sakron refused to leave the body of Nadia, who they claimed needed to be taught a lesson. Rafferty attacked, and he too fell to the blades of the two. Drada instructed Sakron to knock over a brazier on a nearby bridge in the hopes the flames would attract the attention of the Helmites.

The fires brought the guard and Rafferty was revived. Rafferty insisted on helping the others personally, having felt himself to be a failure. The guards organized and went to search for the Banites.

Rafferty successfully revived all. Carly, the only inn worker required to stay during the Banite occupation, filled the others in briefly of what she had seen from her hiding spot.

She told them that Ritham had squelched on a deal with the Banites regarding a “rod to reprogram golems”. And that Sakron and Drada had been successful in locating the rod after speaking with Ritham.

Ritham has placed a bounty of $5000 gold on the heads of both Sakron and Drada for their involvement.

ULA Suffering Losses

The war continues as the Banites seem to be gaining more ground.  The major clashes happening off the front lines, it is apparent that the overwhelming numbers of the Banites and associate forces are proving too much for the faltering ULA.

General Rhydin has not been seen in months, it is believed that he is still recovering from his long captivity.  Field Marshall Flavek has been holding the line while visiting officials from Neverwinter City Militia are taking stock of the Army’s resources and capabilities promising a change to come soon.

Llast Stand?

Citizens of Port Llast were inconvenienced last week during what they were lead to understand was a training exercise being hosted by the ULA.

Citizens were asked to remain in their homes, guards were all required to stay indoors as well and were overseen by the ULA officials.

The ULA were staging a Banite hold on the territory in what they called a “practice seizure”. The exercises included several “Banite” soldiers occupying the community and securing each gate to restrict access. Additionally, all boat traffic was halted some 300 yards off shore with the exception of one vessel that was delivering a shipment of golems from Neverwinter City to the ULA.

Local adventurers, not advised of the “training exercise” were surprised to find Llast restricted. Some even felt force was needed to gain entry. It was rumored that known Banites Drada and Baelwyn were holding the East gate while Sakron watched the waterways.

No casualties were reported, only one incident got out of hand when one particularly determined mage, Anias, tried to enter the city. Anias peppered the docks with deadly force but was eventually subdued by Jared. Anias and his companions, Zim and Samil, were kept unharmed at the inn until the activities were completed. Rolo, another companion to the three, later forced entry into the inn in an attempt to rescue his associates. The captives were well attended and even entertained to some extent by Drae.

Camp was assaulted by an assortment of man-sized golems shortly after the exercises in Llast were completed. The golems, two gold, two silver and two copper, were quickly put down by camp dwellers. The golems were found to have a crest on them identifying them as property of the ULA.

A Royal Proclamation

Attention Camp-bodies, ‘specially you Twizzle Doxie Wizzies out there:

??. . .by order of her queenliness, Cien Morkai, none shall harm a pixie, or any other tiny mischievous creature. That means: no ick food, no making pixies mix stuff that goes boom or smells really yuck, no traveling for long long times (we get homesick easy), and most of all no making pixies fight baddies that can just reach up and swat us like flies! Any Twizzle Doxie who does otherwise, will earn the wrath of all pixies, everywhere.

??All reports of mistreatment towards pixies or any other tiny mischievous creatures should be directed to Cien or Kiki Morkai.

{signed in frilly lettering}

Her Royal Queenliness,
Gaurdian of all Pixies,
Cien Morkai


Princess of all Pixies,
Royal Regent and Protector of the Queen,
Kiki Morkai

Clashing Cousins

Cousins clash on the plateau. Fera'wyn (formerly of the ULA) and her cousin Baelwyn (known Banite follower now) dueled on the plateau. Fera'wyn won the battle but was thwarted  when she tried to return the body of her once-beloved kin to Silverymoon by the other Banites that had come to watch the duel.

Drada and Sakron (also known Banites) were able to recover the body of their companion while Dee (Call) and Amildor (Andar) looked on. Amildor did try and assist Fera'wyns departure but the others were too swift for the elf carrying the body of her cousin.

As it mentions that Fera'wyns intent was to return her body to Silverymoon, let it be noted that Drada and Sakron announced publicly they intended a burial for their fallen comrade and made it clear before retrieving the body through force which was instigated by Almidor after casting darkness.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2006, 09:28:14 PM »
Getting ready for another issue... news ... anyone got something they want in???

Prolly next weekend or about then, so ya have a week.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 08:13:42 PM »
The Llast Word – Edition 30


Ritham has long waited the opportunity to leave camp far behind him.  He is undecided who he leaves in charge of his enterprises, as he does not remove himself from the trades, just the standing about in camp.

Ritham has decided to open an inn outside of Llast, rumors have it that he will poke fun at his major source of income and call the establishment The Prancing Badger.

[thanks to Haldadae for building the inn!]


Many have reported pirate attacks when traveling the seas.  The fares to travel by boat have increased in every major port – insurance they say against the pirate attacks.

Rumor has it that a token can be purchased for a minimal cost that will allow the travelers safe passage.  Sources say seek the hin merchant.


Fera’wyn is seeking a masked elf for questioning, and will pay handsomely for information about this elf.  She has described him as skeletal, clad mainly in black, often helmed, though sometimes seen only with his mask stitched tightly to his face.

He is occasionally seen in camp and is characterized by his jerky movements, silence, and dry humorless laugh.  

She has listed him as potentially dangerous – and does not wish for anyone to attempt to detain him on her behalf.

Sunite Temple In Ruins

This paper is not given to poetic fancy, but this reporter found the words of the half orc so eloquently summed the events up Chloe just wrote as the warrior told her tale:

The towering muscled half-orc Brynn slowed her methodic pace as she spied a small cluster of humans. As she drew closer recognition registered on her procine features, her piercing eyes and wary stance relaxed into a toothy grin. Gram, she hadn’t seen that stalwart, battle worn man in a long while. She liked him, he was strong, fearless and not long on words. Onizo, he was more of a mystery to her, she didn’t know him well but was strong in battle and had always been kind to her, even if he sometimes said things she didn’t understand. Least known to her was Benson. He seemed devout in his worship of the Morning Lord, the few times she had seen him.

Brynn greeted them all heartily. They were all headed through the Zhent forest. Brynn’s interest was piqued when they mentioned their search for a rare flower would take them into the belly of the Zhent Keep. She could only do Helm proud by bringing battle to the Zhents. “Me could helps with that,” she grunted. They readily accepted her offer. Preparations were under way and after a short time the group headed off.

Just as they were set to enter the Zhent Keep an explosion was heard to the North. Plumes of smoke blocked out the moon. As more explosions were heard, the flower was forgotten, they headed north with haste.

Along the Blackford road they were met by some sentries. They seemed to be guarding the area. As more smoke billowed down the hill behind them the sentry refused entry. The small group pushed the matter and informed the sentry they would be looking into it and would offer what assistance they could garner, then pushed their way by. The sentry attacked them and were dropped. Some banites and drow added to the mix, tossing all manner of spells at them. It was clear this wasn’t an ordinary attack, someone did not want them aiding the temple.

They fought their way in through demons, drow and banites. Once inside, they fought more. After the fighting ceased, they noticed the fallen figure of a priestess of Sune, her body being the only one among the mass of scattered carnage in the room that one could still recognize as being whole. Brynn knelt over the fallen priestess, pulled out a scroll and prayed to Helm to aid her in bringing her back. With hardly a moment to talk with the priestess, they heard battle sounds raging above them. They ran up and dispatched the more of the same. Explosions rocked the temple. The floor shook as they retreated downstairs and hurried with the priestess outside even as the temple caved in almost atop them. Rubble showered around them as they fled across the bridge. The priestess stopped on the other side of the bridge and stared at her ruined temple, she was distraught, tears streamed down her face, she let out a wail of sadness at her loss. Onizo quietly tried to question the priestess about what befell the temple ushering the others to let him take care of her. She seemed at a loss to know why it was attacked, except that she had allowed a man to rest and heal there, as did many injured souls. The sunites rarely turned anyone away. Benson knelt and prayed soulfully to the Morning Lord to ease the passage of the fallen. The priestess’ wailing grew in crescendo as Benson ended his prayer. She utterly dissolved into tears when Gram bluntly told her “the dead are dead lass, the gods will sort them out.” They urged her to come with them, she only wailed louder that she couldn’t leave. Onizo gently knocked her out with a non-lethal stunning blow as the priestess clung to the bridge pillar sobbing. He swept her up in his arms and he and the group began making their way down the hill.

They all stopped suddenly when they saw a woman slinking along the cliff wall, trying not to be noticed. She froze mid step when she realized she was spotted. Brynn made her put her weapon down, and they questioned her. She seemed surprised about the attack, but seemed to be withholding something. Brynn’s piercing eyes and stance bore down on her. “You not say alls. You say all now.” The woman looked carefully at all of them then finally pulled out a small amulet bearing the crest of a Harper. Her story unfolded that she had been separated from the man she was traveling with during an attack a few days back. She heard he had been taken to the Sunite temple to heal. She was on her way back to him, when she saw all the smoke. She looked dismayed when we told her it was not very likely that he survived. She went off to comb through the rubble while Brynn, Onizo, Benson and Gram hurried off to Mirabar to bring the priestess to safety and inform the council of the ruination of the temple.

Onizo with his usual speed, forged ahead carrying the priestess and was ushered into the city and let to take the priestess to a temple for aid. When the rest of the group arrived at the gates, they were halted, the gates slammed shut before them. The guards said the city was closed until they found out what the plume of smoke was all about. Once it was clear the group had news of such the guard conferred with another and they were escorted to the Mirabar Council. Onizo left the priestess to be tended by the priests of Tyr and joined the group in the Council of Stones. Together they informed the council of the destruction of the temple and the details surrounding the Harper. The council immediately sent the captain of the guard to take a squad of men down to the temple to see what more might be done. The council thanked each in the group for their assistance.

The eclectic group gathered in the courtyard and mulled over the events. The Sunite Temple was no more. Benson thought it seemed odd that so much fire power and utter destruction was wrought to kill the harper resting within and that the resources use were even over the top if the aim was to simply destroy a random temple. [Thanks Miranda, well done!]


Efforts are underway to rebuild the temple.  [Timing being what it is, just imagine that the temple as it is now, the completed redone one – thanks Airyn] is the rebuild in all its glory!]


A baby was found on Madame's front step abandoned apparently by its mother. Perhaps she thought it would find a good home at the orphanage – officials in Llast seek the mother of the child for questioning.


The general appearance of Roid continues to deteriorate.  Fewer guards are seen on the walls, more trash is left strewn about and shops have been closing.

The presence of knights of the order known as the Merciful Blade of Tyr have been asked politely to stand down their efforts on the city’s behalf.  The occupying force of ULA soldiers have been asked to leave.

City officials state that they have everything well in hand and seek no aid at this time.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 09:23:26 PM »
The Llast Word - Edition 31

Luskan Attacked

In a surprising attack against the port city of Luskan casualties continue to rise.  The barrage of projectiles that assaulted the city struck several citizens in the course of their daily routines.

The First Captain was conducting a personal tour of the barracks to a host of local children in an outreach recruiting program.  The Captain reports that more than twenty of the children were slain.

Luskan officials are confused by the senseless attack against the trade city and fully intend on seeking justice against the perpetrators.  

Officials in Neverwinter and Roid both condemn the act as barbaric and one of cowardice.  They have offered their support in rebuilding efforts as well as offering assistance in capturing the assailants.


Winter Tide Celebration a Success

This winter’s celebration went on without a hitch.  Revelers enjoyed a night of fine food, wine, and gift giving.  The overall atmosphere was one of celebration and jubilation.  There were no incidents of note.

With Greengrass around the corner, Michanny Krows, Guildmaster of Roid’s Bard Hall, is seeking volunteers and performers.  [Any interested, please PM Chyelle on the forums or leave a DM Message in game from your rest menu].


Bugbear Attacks

Sizeable and frequent bugbear patrols have been spotted along the Western Road the past few days. After several fierce encounters, though, it looks like the bugbears have been pushed north again, back into their own territory.


Ritham Retires

Area merchant, Ritham, has finally made his dream of getting out of the woods true – almost.  His plans for opening the inn have been delayed by construction woes and losses to thievery of building materials.

He mused that he was considering a name change for his upcoming in to Bothersome Badger.


Toymaker Makes Orphans’ Day

The orphanage of Llast was recently given a wagon load of wooden toys made by local craftswoman, Vrilo, of Neverwinter woods.  Vrilo donated a series of carved wooded animals and blocks in addition to many of her earlier attempts of weapon making.  Vrilo laughed at the frustrations of making weighted weapons of wood products but vowed to continue her work until she rivaled the newly promoted Brius.

Orphanage patron, Chyelle Menner, states that the gifts were perfect for the children’s celebration of Winter Tide and had the children draw pictures of thanks for the generous Vrilo.


Fountain of Healing

A general notice has been posted at the healing fountain which is located campside in Neverwinter Woods.  The notice, which seemingly disappears nightly, states that the healing fountain is not a basin, and not for cleaning or the handling of other toiletries.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2007, 05:21:53 PM »
The Llast Word - Issue 32

Saline and Amildor Live at the Fallen Tower

Come watch an amazing arsenal of musical talents. Starting on Sunday (Feb 11th, 2pm PST;10pm GMT), the Fallen Tower located in Neverwinter City Central will host the performance. Drinks and food will be fully stocked. At-the-door ticket costs are fifty gold pieces, all gold being donated to the Sunite Temple Charity Fund. See Amildor or Saline for any other donations you'd like to make aside from paying for tickets (Usually found by the tent in camp).

Orcs Attack!!!

Numerous orc attacks have been reported in both the camp area of Neverwinter Woods, outlying farm areas and the Port City of Llast.  The orc raids are easily repelled with minor losses to the city or the camp; however, the farm areas continue to suffer loss of life and goods.

According to sources, the orcs are being manipulated by a mysterious mage that has them bent on revenge against everyone for alleged attacks against their kin from the dwarves of Mirabar.

Mirabar officials could not substantiate the claim of increased activities along their shared borders.

Amazons Abandoning the Isle

Rumors have it that the once prolific Amazons of the remote Isle are packing their belongings in preparation of moving.  No one is sure what their plans are. The consensus is that without their male slaves, their numbers are dwindling and they cannot continue to fend of the Isle.

Without the Amazon hunters to keep their numbers in check, the cats of the Isle will quickly take over and the place will be a complete jungle.  Captain Hoseason has already said that he will not continue runs there in the near future.

Escaped Convict

Arakorn, known dissident, was rescued by force while in transport to his trial.  It is believed that his associates from the church of Bane are responsible for his release.  Officials in Roid are discussing a reward for his re-capture.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2007, 04:55:59 PM »
Llast Word – Edition 33


~Calling all valiant of heart, fair in nature, driven by order and yearning for justice. If revealing truth, punishing the guilty, righting wrongs and being true and just in your actions calls to you, seek out any Merciful Blade. Come serve Tyr, the Just One. Join the Merciful Blade. ~


When church patrons answered a general summons they were surprised by the night’s unfolding events.  Samar, church figure head and Paladin, was arrested on charges of treason and accused of releasing a wanted prisoner.  By-standers all agree the paladin must be innocent of the charges, but they provided no resistance to the heavily armed guards as the paladin was led away.

Even more surprising was the death of the High Priestess that same evening!  Even as guards secured their new prisoner the gathered masses learned of the murder of the High Priestess.  Many rushed to her side, but none were able to revive her.  It is believed that foul play even beyond the knife wound is work.

Those with knowledge of poisons or death enchantments are sought by the church and will be compensated handsomely if they are able to revive the priestess.

As a result of all of the inner turmoil, the Church of Glorious Light has closed its’ doors.  


In response to the Church’s misfortune, talks have started between the other guilds of Roid.  It is rumored that the mages intend to abandon their tower in Roid in pursuit of a more peaceful location that will foster their on-going research efforts.

The Mercenaries’ guild has publicly denounced the mages for their proposed act of cowardice and have been reviewing their membership logs to ensure they have “no finger-wigglers” in their ranks.

Another party has already expressed an interest in the mage’s “prime” location, and are drafting their plans to open a new establishment.


(disclaimer: not necessarily the opinions of Port Llast or its newspaper)

Not ready to commit to the code of the Merciful Blade? Get the training, the gear, and the backup you need to defend your home, your community, and your way of life from the gathering clouds of war. Get paid. Privates earn four gold per tenday - no brave man or woman need struggle for the daily silver piece. Soldiers in our off-base millitia core will get one gold per tenday after they finish training, while still living at home with their families - they need only report for duty when called.

Join the ULA today and learn from elite battle-hardened veterans who can teach you how to stand up to others as part of a team or even on your own. Benefit from wizards and priests to ready you for battle and support you at the front - the new ULA leave no man behind, even if he's dead. Because we can fix that, and we will.

Contact any uniformed ULA personnel to join up, or just hear more. The knights at the Fortress of the Merciful Blade will gladly point you in the right direction, too.
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


  • Probably my fault.
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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2007, 05:20:53 AM »
The Llast Word: Special Edition

Headline Story: Terrorist group attacks Roid outpost. City officials promise justice to those involved.

A major roid outpost was attacked recently by group comprised of various organizations and mercenaries. The target was a recently constructed facility housed to hold dissidents declared enemies of the state. The attack came without warning and as a result several dozen of Roids finest now lay dead. A spokesman for the Roid Senate released the following statement:

"We are actively investigating the incident and promise that the preparators will receive swift justice. The group of rebels was reported to be lead by Jan Dane a disgruntled former general of the now Defunct ULA. Although he was accused several times of war crimes during his tenure in the ULA, insufficient proof, vanishing witnesses and failing leadership kept the man from ever seeing a prison. He is extremely dangerous and we would advise caution in anyone who comes across him.

Also in attendance was at least one, possibly more of a group known as "The Merciful Blades" this is an extremist group supposedly consisting of followers of Tyr and Torm. Their actions have been anything but "Merciful" not only assisting the terrorist attack against Roid assets but also harboring criminals in their keep. We also believe they may have been reasonable for numerous attacks along the Sword Coast, supplying arms and information to various bandit groups located between Llast and Mirabar. Despite claims to worship Tyr and Torm we believe this group is actually patroned by Talos and responsible for the destruction of the Sunite temple last year.

The church was not excluded from this attack. Indeed, the action was taken to free a convicted traitor and former Inquisitor of the church. The former high priest Rafferty was said to have assisted the mob. Rafferty was kicked out of the church of Tyr over 20 years ago for harboring a drow who was a known criminal, but is best known for his treason against the city, siding with the Draco-lich Cyranus the last time roid was invaded. Due to a cover-up by the church his involvement was buried, although his tenure with the church was revoked. He is highly pychotic, prone to random acts of violence, and rumored to worship Cyric secretly.

Rafferty was the only member of the church assisting in the attack on the outpost, but the church itself was not idle. Shortly after this attack occurred we received word the church was plotting a co-ordinated magical attack by their clergy on the citizenry of roid. This attack against innocents was to designed to force Roid into releasing Samar, the former inqusitor who murdered High Priestess Legewiel.

However thanks to our intelligence we were able to attack and destroy the church before the horrific attack could take place. Due to the quick thinking of the Senate and guards, hundreds of lives were saved

Finally, we believe at least one member of the mages guild was in attendance. Although we have decided not to release the name of this mage at this time, we believe the lowering of the magical barriers protecting the outpost were the direct result of his involvement. The mage in question is high ranking and reports directly to the Mages Guild Mistress. As a result, we have launched a formal inquiry. We believe certain elements in the Mages Guild may be sympathetic to the church and we are determined to find and root out any traitorous elements, wherever they may lurk.

We are dedicated to bringing the perpetrators of these heinous and cowardly acts to justice. As of now, All members of this supposed 'army of the north' are hereby enemies of the state."

Roid has since stepped up security, now performing random checks on travellers through the city. A curfew has also been imposed and several guardsmen accused of corruption of being sympathetic to the terrorists have be imprisoned.

Neverwinter and Mirabar officials have all refused comment on the incident.

Editors Note: We here at the Llast word would like to extend our condolences to those who lost their lives as a result of these terrorist attacks. We would further like to thank roid for its financial contributions and extra security being given to us by the guardsmen to ensure we can continue to print 'the truth'.
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« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2007, 02:59:58 AM »
A Very Special Editor on the Llast word.

Recent events here at The Word have prompted this special report.  Rather then bring you the news, I wanted to write something important, something that needs to be said.

The Word has become well respected since we began.  Because of that theres a certain level of trust between us and those who read us.  When you read something in The Llast Word you expect it to be true.  Sadly, thats not always the case.

Not everything becomes truth because it is written.  A lie repeated is still a lie.  A lie agreed upon is still a lie.  Truth is not a democracy, and it never will be.   I want everyone to understand that.  

The one thing I want to say is that you have to make your own decisions on whats true and whats not.  Don't believe something just because its said or written.  Consider the source, and your own observations.

The site where The Llast Word once stood was previously held by a sect of the church of the Dark Sun.  In the name of the Price of Lies they sought to undermine the truth and the safety and security of Llast.

It was only because of great heroes who sought the truth that the Dark Sun was defeated and The Llast Word built over the ashes.  We sought to undo the lies they have spread by building a temple of truth over the ashes of those who would deceive.

I don't know what the future brings for The Word.  I am not a warrior and I cannot defend myself against those who wish to spread lies.  But you can.  You can choose not to believe everything you read.  Words only have power if you let them.  Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the lies.  

The Llast Word can print what it chooses, but in the end, your the ones who give the words power.  No one can mislead you without your consent.  Seek the truth, and never stop seeking it.   That is all I ask.

Hibaldd- Editor, The Llast Word.
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« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2007, 08:51:38 PM »
Getting ready to put another paper together folks.  PM me with your submittals if you have any.  :)

What does that mean?  Well, if you have done something or doing something... if your character is killing folks in Llast... *pokes* or like Kattze's character that donated mucho money to a worthy cause.

We want to read about it!
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results"
Albert & Ben


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« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2007, 02:10:29 AM »
Top Story: Open revolts threaten stability of the once mighty Island Nation!
Also: Banite attack Port Llast! Is your village safe?
The Last Inn: Mystery surrounds the once peaceful inn.  Is it a new drow threat?
Murderer!: Haley Di'len to stand trial for murder multiple murders including former High Priest Rafferty.

Top Story:  Riots, Fires in roid claim many lives, others homeless or injured as the chaos spreads out of control.

   After the guilty verdict against Councilman Braggerbold the city of Roid erupted into riots.  Homes and businesses have been destroyed, and the guard has so far been unable to contain the rioters.  Things came to a head recently when most of the disgruntled and embattled guards removed their uniforms and blended into the populace, abandoning their posts, and with them any hope of a swift resolution to the crisis.   The few remaining guards are hard pressed to do much but battle off the crowds, who employed torches and stones to destroy most of the city.  With most of the guard deserting, and any city leaders the targets of lynch mobs, it seems unlikely the situation will settle down anytime soon.
   Roid is not alone in its struggle however.  The Merciful blade, along with several merchant ships under the employ of Neverwinter have begun to assist in the evacuation of the city. Rescued citizens were quick to credit the fast action of The Blade with saving hundreds of lives.  As always followers of Llamater have heeded the call to those in need, setting up a triage unit inside The Drunken Pony for those too injured to risk movement by sea.  They are asking for volenteers for the relief effort to contact Vessan Seshane for information on how they can help.     
   Local businesses have already departed the embattled city, and only a few shops remain open.  The Mages guild of roid announced recently they have completed negotiations to have their ranks added to those of The Many Starred Cloak in neverwinter.  The Roid Mage's Guild has been seeking an alternate home since the fall of the church, and has apparently been in discussion with the Cloak for some time.  A representive from The Cloak stated they were happy to add so many skilled arcane practitioners to their ranks.   The Mercenaries' guild leader Toman has not publicly stated the intent of his guild to remain or depart from roid, but sources state unofficially they have been looking into aquiring land in Neverwinter to make the move as well.
   As the fires continue to burn, and more and more abandon their homes, things look grim for the future of roid.  We'll keep you posted on further developments as they happen.

Banites Attack Port Llast: Is anywhere safe?

   A group of banites together with nefarious mercenary factions attacked Llast, sacking it and killing many defenders and guards in the process.  Although they managed to strike the city, the defenders did eliminate enough of the attacking force to prevent them from having the means to hold the city, and the attackers had to quickly abandon their invasion.  One of the leaders of the attack, Drada was captured by members of The Merciful Blade.  Provisions in a recent treaty between The Blade and Neverwinter have resulted in his extradition to Neverwinter for trial.  While most of those reasonable for the attack remain at large, it seems the people of Llast will have a small measure of justice when Drada faces trial.
   That justice was nearly lost when Banites took a citizen of Neverwinter Wood hostage and demanded the release of their man in exchange for the life of the innocent.  Although the hostage managed to escape, the banites had also kidnapped a child during the eariler attack.  The child was later rescue and reunited with his parents, thanks to the valiant efforts of two members of The Merciful Blade.
   The City of Llast is asking for anyone with information regarding the attack to come forward as witnesses for the trial.  In addition, another Banite Captain reasonable for the attack, Sakron has had a 10,000 gold bounty placed on his head, wanted dead or alive.  We'll have full coverage of Drada's trial and possible execution as it happens!

The Last Inn: Storm Clouds Gather.

   Recently all contact with the Last Inn south of neverwinter wood has been lost, and drow have been spotted in the area.  The Merciful Blade has blockaded the area, stating nothing is being allowed in or out of the inn.  Rumors abound of another Drow Invasion, and the words "Windfall" have been burned over the inn's sign, the name of the former Drow Fortress which was destroyed nearly a decade ago.
   The focus of these rumors revolves around a reported Drow Priestess of Lloth recently captured and being currently held in Neverwinter Jail.  Although we do not have information regarding this drow, Prison guards have unofficially recognized they are holding a drow.
   In a recent interview with Hugh Willoud, Captain of The Blade, he stated the blockade continues but as of yet they have no new information is forthcoming.  We'll keep you updated on breaking news of this issue.

Murderess' Spree comes to an end.

   Haley Di'Len, a former Paladin of Torm was captured recently and is current residing in Neverwinter Jail, after a killing spree claiming no less then 5 lives.  She is wanted for the deaths of 3 members of a prominent Neverwinter mercenary guild, as well as for an assault and murder taking place in the bathes of Neverwinter against an elf identified as Lyssa.  Finally, she is wanted for the murder of former High Priest of St. Marfa Rafferty, who several witnesses state she stabbed on a public street in Neverwinter.
   Neverwinter officials are asking anyone with information or witnesses to any of the murders to step forward with information, as they are seeking witnesses for trial.
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« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2008, 11:21:09 PM »
[ Where are our Llast Word authors gone? *sniffs* I have some goss that needs stories written! ]


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« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2008, 03:22:18 AM »
1314DR til 1377DR
The city of Neverwinter is in a state of shock after official word by the Nine has confirmed Lord Nasher Alagondar has passed away.  Early reports state he died of natural causes yesterday morning and seemed to have passed peacefully in his sleep.
Lord Nasher having not left a successor, the people are in doubt of who will lead the growing city-state in months to come, especially with budding rumors tensions are increasing with Luskan once more.  The court has refused to comment, though rumors have suggested Nasher’s right-hand man Sir Bradley will naturally ascend the throne, others support the General Gareth Atheros who has lead Neverwinter’s forces in many previous conflicts with Luskan.
A city-wide mourning will be held over the next tenday to honor the memory of Lord Alagondar and the sacrifices he has made in service of Neverwinter City.

Many farms to the north and south of Neverwinter city found themselves under siege recently, the unexpected attack occurring in the dead of night.  The Neverwinter Watchmen were dispatched quickly by General Atheros and many farms were saved that would have been otherwise lost.
 A team of adventurers were employed by General Atheros to head into the Mere of Dead Men and end the attacks from the south, while the rest of the Watch focused on the north.  For their defense of Neverwinter, the adventuring troupe was rewarded with badges of honor from General Atheros himself.

The knightly order of the Merciful Blade found the body of twenty-two year old bar maiden Tabitha Lynn dead in the sewer under Neverwinter City.  She was found laying face down near naked with a brand located behind the ear in a half-moon shape.  The tavern owner refused to comment, though sources tell us he may have seen the killer talking to Tabitha the night she was murdered.
The body was examined by the Lathanderan temple and the cause of death was determined to be severing of the jugular artery.  This is the third body found in the city limits all bearing the same symbol.
A reward is being offered for information leading to the capture of the killer.  Authorities warn women against being outdoors alone at night.

Recently a trade route frequently travelled near Port Llast was ‘proudly’ lit up by fire by members of the Golden Dawn.  The grassfires were in the design of a rising sun but quickly spread out of control and threatened the nearby forest before Port Llast guards managed to snuff it out.
Port Llast authorities have declared the Golden Dawn organization a menace and have been working to remove any propaganda distributed throughout the town.


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The Llast Word - Newspaper Editions
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2008, 03:45:03 AM »
The Llast Word: Luskan Attacks Llast!

   Luskan forces, along with various mercenary and bandit armies recently attacked Port Llast, attempting to occupy the city as part of its campaign against the city of Neverwinter.  Neverwinter spies north of Llast relayed the message to the town, however the guard is merely a peacekeeping force and unable to deal with an invading army.
   Fortunately, Lord Atheros, anticipating Luskans attack had stationed a squad of troops on rotation at all times to sail immediately from Neverwinter to Llast in the event of an attack.  Unfortunately unfavorable winds and sea conditions delayed the arrival of the force.
   While Women and children took shelter in the Inn, adventurers and mercenaries from the nearby Neverwinter Wood valorously defended the city.  The beleaguered adventurers managed to hold out long enough for the Neverwinter troops to arrive just in time to secure the town.
   This battle marks the first major victory of the war for Neverwinter, with whom the city of Llast has now allied itself.  Neverwinter troops have fortified the city and it is now a staging point for attacks against Luskan.  In addition, the monetary costs to Luskan are high, as it has lost a major trade partner.
   Sir Bradley of the nine led the relief force to the port, but has since returned to Neverwinter to continue in his duties.  It is unsure who will strike next, Luskan or Neverwinter, but the first major battle of the way has been decided, the victory: Neverwinter City.

We'll keep you informed of more news, as it develops.
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