Author Topic: Tracking  (Read 4793 times)


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« on: February 03, 2010, 06:04:23 PM »
I have a question about tracking here. Since Bioware decided to simply not add it as a feat like it's supposed to be in D&D I'd like to know what skill is used. I've had serious issues with this ability in the past on other servers to the point of being banned from one for telling a DM to go master the art of self felatio for his attitudes and actions in the descussion so I'd like to clear it up here. The big problem that lead to my banning was a culmination of that guy and I just not likeing eachother and I had an epic ranger there. The whole time I had been playing him it was a search or spot check to track, I had an insane spot, search, and listen (higher than one of the DMs dragon PCs) and this guy got sick of my ability to follow a blood trail across cobblestones in a rainstorm with a 60 search roll so he changed it to lore just because. The other DMs didn't say anything, it was lore when he was doing events and no one else was doing events anymore, needless to say I had about a 5 lore, and atleast 45 search/spot. He also upped the DC for tracking so suddenly the worlds best tracker (who also happend to be a werewolf... hello tracking by scent) suddenly could barely follow the guy infront of him.

So to avoid these issues in the future and strive for continuity what is the "tracking" skill in Legacy of the North?


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Re: Tracking
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 06:19:55 PM »
What I've always seen, used on this server, was 'search'. While the tracking feat/skill does not exist in NWN, we typically improvised what skill to use instead. Lore is just... knowledge (even though it's not split like PnP).
"Patrolling the North almost makes you wish for an Aurilite winter."


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Re: Tracking
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 06:35:11 PM »
That's kinda what I was looking for. Since it's something that can effect a character being played the skill that is used to do it. Though personaly I think it should be the same skill no matter who is DMing to avoid having characters switching between good tracker and bad tracker depending on who's DMing or scattering skill points around.

Linna Vot

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Re: Tracking
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2010, 10:12:39 PM »
Seems to me that search is for tracking or searching for evidence whereas spot seems to be more involved with a character's ability to track movement, whether it's someone in the bushes, or maybe a religious symbol showing from under someone's tunic.

That's always worked for me here, and I don't ever recall having a problem with it. If I can offer any advice at all, it's defer to the dragon ;)


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