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Messages - TheMadPoet

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General Discussion / Re: Gnomes!
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:17:32 PM »
then gnomes can be the "little cousins" to dwarves.

Laughable irony ;)

I dunno, they just seem to be a little less than everything else. I really wish Gnomes had a bit more identity. Something that really set them apart. As they are I just can't see them as anything more than a mish-mash of qualities of other races. I can't remember specifics but I think it was like Eberron that made them have their own society, history, and a nation. Much better done IMHO than Faerun which kind of just... put them in I guess. It's probably that old problem of having too many writers with too many different visions working on the same product. I call it 'Marvel Fever' because... well... I think they might be the ones most infected with that illness.

I think I like gnomes to be an underground fey type personally. Kinda like Underdark Smurfs I guess. Eating mushrooms, growing beards with weird hats, and crawling out of the ground at night to rob farmsteads of their spoils. Of course I'm talking OOF (Out of Faerun) about this.

General Discussion / Re: Gnomes!
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:27:53 AM »
Ugh... gnomes. It's like someone managed to box up annoying.

I know some people love them, and I don't hate them or anything, but I was kind of glad when 4th Edition wanted to make them a monster race. Makes me want to play a barbarian named 'Krogar Gnomepunter'.

To me they just always felt tacked on. Like there wasn't exactly a place for them. I mean gnomes only get... what... Lantan in FR I think? An island? Almost makes me feel like they wanted to lock all the gnomes out on their own little world and ignore them. I think that if that's the attitude you have for them they should be left out. Most of my home brew settings just have no place for gnomes. Short is a quality for halflings, inventive and industry is for dwarves, and the whole 'Fey' or 'Nature' thing (some settings gnomes have it, some don't) is already taken by the elves. It's like they tried to mash it all together and made something less than everything else. Which is why Bard fits them so much to me. One useless thing made up of small qualities of other better things tied to another. (LOL)

That's pretty much the reason I don't play them in a nutshell. Also why I tend to avoid Half-Elves too. It's not really a statistics thing, but more of a difficulty on my part just finding a niche for them. Any concept I find myself working on just gravitates towards Human, Elf, Dwarf, or sometimes (rarely) Halfling.

Player's Corner / Re: CEP 2.6
« on: September 19, 2014, 04:32:37 AM »
I'll let you know if I come across any issues. I'm going to leave the CEP update for last. Just to make sure that all of my work goes smoothly.

Player's Corner / New Gravestones
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:51:08 PM »
With the new server update on the horizon I was wondering... would anyone like any new gravestones added along the Western Road for any deceased characters?

Player's Corner / Re: Player Housing - The Pruning
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:26:55 PM »
Alright. I've removed all the aforementioned housing. Calhi's shack is also up for claiming by the previous owner. Any PC's wanting to lay claim to already existing player housing?

Player's Corner / CEP 2.6
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:24:35 PM »
As part of updating the server I plan to update us to CEP 2.6 in a few weeks when all the work is done.

After noting a few issues with the new CEP such as the tilesets bug that some servers have reported Tails was kind enough to test the tilesets hak in the server itself. There were no problems noticed.

If anyone has any comments/complaints or other such about the update please speak now or forever hold your peace... or is it piece? I'm not sure. I suppose gun waving at a wedding is only acceptable among certain subcultures.

Player's Corner / Re: Ideas for Renovation - Input Needed
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:19:05 PM »
Instead of replacing the existing spawn system (a very difficult task) it might be better to redo the spawns in existing areas that don't see much play. For example the cave in the gypsy area. I agree with redoing the Mere of Dead Men quite a bit. And the crags could use some loving.

I also love the idea of monster-slaying boards. Some real tough creatures could be made that way.

Player's Corner / Re: Ideas for Renovation - Input Needed
« on: August 20, 2014, 05:31:54 AM »
I think 3 would be more than fair.

Player's Corner / Re: Esther's Emporium!
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:34:54 AM »
We should build you a shop in game.

Player's Corner / Re: Ideas for Renovation - Input Needed
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:34:12 AM »
Sorry, the PRC I've worked with to. It's a pain to implement and worse to merge. I know there are some versions out there but with the resource limit already pretty close to full I'm not comfortable adding such a huge system in.

I personally love Q, however it is really kind of a pack of its own. Adding it in would require LOTS of 2da rewrites and new palette items. However removing certain overrides from Q and adding them in is well within our ability to do. It would require us to either make a community override, or a community hak pak.

Could you post the list and start the countdown?

I think we should make our own hak. Maybe only one is needed, and something that is custom made that way it fits well into what we already have and can easily be messed with later. Perhaps we should all link to our suggestions for content for it if everyone is okay downloading one extra hak pak?

I will definitely look into sprucing up the camp with some extra lanterns.

Dylan_The_Rabbit: Would you mind reposting your suggestions? I don't really want to have to hunt through every post while I am involved in this and having everything in one area would be a big help for me to refer to.

Events / Re: The Collector
« on: August 17, 2014, 05:48:17 AM »
R R = Randomly Ridiculous!

Events / Re: The Collector
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:54:32 AM »
I have a feeling I'm missing important context for the puzzle.

Player's Corner / Ideas for Renovation - Input Needed
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:46:48 AM »
Once Neutral Zone sends me a copy of the server (Hurry hurry) I plan on doing quite a number of artistic renovations to the server to kind of spruce it up after so many years. Give it a fresh face so to speak. With computers now being more powerful than they were years ago we can afford to use some more placeables, and just a general graphic enhancement.

I won't be implementing new Haks (unless we REALLY want one, and if we're sticking with CEP 2.3 there is no reason not to add more if we want), or updating CEP (We need to test to see if it can be done easily and without much issue before we even try).

With that in mind I've thought of a few things already to do. I'd like to know what the community thinks, and I'd also like suggestions and advice. This is kind of a side project for me at the moment.

  • Cleaning out old player housing. We have quite a few old houses that players just are not around to use. I suggest we remove everyone who doesn't play often and keep the housing in ERF form. This can save some server size, and open up the option for new housing if people want it.
  • Re-light many areas of the server. Neverwinter Wood, Neverwinter City, and the High Road/Port Llast for start. The days are fairly fine, but nights are too bright and bland looking. Also ensure skyboxes are in every area. A few parts of the High Road have no skybox.
  • Spruce up Neverwinter Wood. Change the general layout a tad. Don't move anything, but spruce the areas up and change things around slightly. This will help bring it back to life somewhat instead of the same old woods from years and years ago.
  • Produce a list of overrides that are suggested to be downloaded by everyone. Not required, but suggested.

Events / Re: The Collector
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:44:13 AM »
Definite patterns of appearance. For example the last two lines:


The symbols on all three for the first two letters "A and A", as well as the "A M M" in the last line are matched in all three. Don't know if that helps... but there's the bacon.

Events / Re: Player and DM Playing Times? When do you log in?
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:25:40 AM »
When I notice more than 2 people on I usually jump on as a DM if no one else is to run small tidbits here and there. Hope to see you around.

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