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Topics - Tails1879_

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Bug Reports / Sign of the Forgehammer: Can't return the key
« on: September 04, 2009, 03:38:00 PM »
Mirabar - The Sign of the Forgehammer

Rented a room (In specific, #5) in the Sign of the Forgehammer in Mirabar, but whenever the desk lady (Sabel Kelten) asks "Are you here to return your room key?", and I choose "Yes", the conversation just drops. The key isn't taken.

I can also leave, and the key isn't taken. Me thinks that needs a bit of fixing, especially upon transition.

Bug Reports / Zhentarium Keep - Bugged Door
« on: August 27, 2009, 12:04:19 AM »
The door that goes into the keep seems to bug, at least when it respawns when someone bashes it down. You can still click on it, but the character acts like they can't reach it, and hitting it with all sorts of spells (AoE around it and lightning bolts directly) makes it act like it wasn't hit at all. Can't perform an 'Unlock' action, 'Bash', or anything.

General Discussion / What do you do while not on LotN?
« on: August 14, 2009, 11:31:45 AM »
Just a little time waster topic about different time wasters. As the topic states, what do you people do, or play, instead of just playing Neverwinter Nights on LotN? (especially during the downtime, like recently)

Myself, I've been getting a bit of love from 4X games, getting in touch with Master of Orion 2 and Civilizations 4. I even picked up Galactic Civilizations 2 (Ultimate) rather recently, and it ain't bad for a single-player-only game. Love the witty comments, and the teddy bear minor race like this. The only problem is learning the tricks of the game before being surrounded and blockaded. :roll:

What about you? Any hobbies, games, or other activities? (No, I don't want to know about the stash in C:\My Docs\Faxes\Sent Faxes)

Bug Reports / Volo's Lodge, Perudo: No stew! *gasp*
« on: April 29, 2009, 10:33:02 PM »
Attempting to take a look at Perudo Gwigfoon's store of stew pops up with the "There is no store available" dialogue. Have they gone out of business? What will this mean for Volothamp's infamous collection of stew!?

-ahem- I mean, yeah. The store's missing.

Bug Reports / Sunite Temple: Free, chargeless mirror
« on: April 24, 2009, 08:15:20 PM »
The Sunite Mirror, sold by Katalyn Sunite Seamstress under the Misc tab, is being given away for 0 gp. It's got "Eagle's Splendor, 5 charges/use" on it, but it's got 0 charges in total. I don't think it was intended that way ;>.>...

Location: Sunite Temple.

Bug Reports / Neverwinter Library: Front door auto-locks
« on: April 24, 2009, 07:55:16 PM »
The front door to the library in Neverwinter can be locked, but in an odd way. Opening the door, then having it shut, locks it. It then demands a key, much like how the player housing is done.

Bug Reports / Uncharged Item: Scepter of Ruling
« on: June 29, 2008, 04:47:55 PM »
Whilst being an item only sold by Niccolo (I haven't really found it anywhere else), the Scepter of Ruling uses charged properties. There's only one problem: It's got no charges! The item by itself leaves pretty much nothing but an orange glow-stick.

Scepter of Ruling
Improved Saving Throw: Fear +1
Light: Bright Orange
Aura Of Glory (7) 1 Charge/Use
Charm Person (10) 3 Charges/Use

Bug Reports / "Broken" HCR1 items list
« on: June 08, 2008, 11:45:04 PM »
So, whilst running through some areas, I've encountered this line whilst picking up an item:

"HCR1 item Star Sapphire found: it probably won't work"

From past experience, there's been a few items in the past that have reported this.  After talking to Tsunami, we've decided this: List the broken HCR1 stuff here!

1. Star Sapphire

Technical Support / Lag problems and overrides - questions
« on: June 01, 2008, 06:09:03 PM »
... By what overrides cause lag issues, does this include any and all overrides, or just animation overrides? I've a little with the GUI itself, and the animation ones.

Player's Corner / CEP 2.1 Released
« on: May 06, 2008, 10:10:11 PM »
Hot off the press! It's also for 1.69, so... don't go installing it just yet :P

I like the long coat there...

Technical Support / Login issues
« on: May 26, 2007, 03:20:01 PM »
Yeah... seems I'm having issues logging in, now, on the forums. Under Firefox 2.something, I'm suddenly being logged out each time I visit the forums. Earlier, before clearing out my private data, it wouldn't log me in at all. It would just say "Done", and it wouldn't even say I ever logged in at all.

So, I'm finally logged in for the moment. Any help on this, maybe? (Yes, dangit, I've been checking "Log me in on visit").

Player's Corner / About these churches...
« on: May 14, 2007, 02:39:34 AM »
So, a long while back, there were a great deal of churches. We had...

Glorious Light-[DEAD]
Tyr (Locked away in a castle)
Tymora (More of a shrine...)

Before Mirabar was redone, there were 6 full churches. Sunite temple destroyed and left in ruins, so then there were 5.

Mirabar redone, two down and one rises. 4. (Note it's a shrine...)

Glorious Light church destroyed: 3.

Yet... I keep hearing "We have enough churches on the server". Do we really...? The Sunite temple has been destroyed a -long- time ago (almost a year, now?), and was planned to be rebuilt, but I have not heard any news whatsoever on it. The Tyr and Illmater ones weren't really suppose to be in Mirabar, so I guess that's a given, but still another church down, and another becoming a mere shrine (There went the -only- NPC restoration...)

Small Tyr temple built... under a locked castle...

Then I heard the church in Roid was suppose to be opened again, but now I see it's ground zero. And I still hear "Too many churches on the server". Can someone help this trouble player with this logic? We only have half of what there were, and no plans on rebuilding or start of new chrurches.

I've heard numerous times that each destroyed church was to be rebuilt in some way... and they weren't after all this time (The Tyr one became tiny and locked up). When are they coming back, or whatever replacements? I understand building can take time, but I see more areas going 'poof' than any coming.

Also correct me if I'm wrong, but these 'dead' churches also were used much more than the others... (This does include the baths in Roid, too...)

General Discussion / The answer to division by zero?
« on: December 07, 2006, 08:15:01 PM »

Player's Corner / Druid appearances and Shifter forms...
« on: June 26, 2006, 12:30:40 AM »
'alloes. Umm, just a thought, but one I think is worth mentioning.

Druids have the ability to change their appearance into many things. Different humanoid forms, animals, and strange creatures from dragons to... 'mushroom' things. But, my thought is: Why doesn't the shifter get these, or anything similar to it?

Maybe provide a different set of appearances for the shifter? I find it understandable that Druids should keep their ability as a class special, but I honestly think the Shifter class needs something similar to it... After all, they *are* shapeshifters...

Any other thoughts and feedback on this will be greatly appreciated.

NWN2 Buzz / System Requirements!
« on: June 25, 2006, 06:57:41 AM »
[Note: As usual, stats may change. This -is- kinda early...]

    * 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    * 1GB System RAM
    * ATI Radeon X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or higher video card

    * Windows XP
    * 512MB System RAM
    * 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    * 128MB Direct3D compatible video card with DirectX 9.0c compatible driver
    * CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
    * 4.6GB free hard disk space
    * DirectX 9.0c (included)
    * DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
    * Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework for toolset (included)
    * Broadband connection for multiplayer online play
    * Keyboard, Mouse

Processor minimum has been upped.

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