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Topics - Tails1879_

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Bug Reports / Winter wolves instantly disappear
« on: March 21, 2012, 04:41:56 AM »
The winter wolves north of Mirabar (Not the dire version), when killed, disappear like lootless monsters. They should be sticking around longer so that they can be skinned, like on Frostbite.

The dire version, however, does work.

General Discussion / Neverwinter Nexus
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:14:36 PM »
Due to continuity concerns that IGN sites such as Neverwinter Vault have been falling into disrepair and the future of the modding community there is at risk, DarkOne decided to open up the network with the Neverwinter Nexus!

Since the leaving of Beyondthepale some month ago, people became concerned if the site would continue. The waning of attention from NWN also doesn't help. In my opinion, the moving from the IGN-based NWVault to the Nexus would be beneficial. Though, I do feel a bit of concern that communities might split.

Thoughts, concerns?

Bug Reports / Tailors takin' mah money!
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:33:06 PM »
Copying appearances to current armor, helmet, cloaks, and so on are designed to be free. Well, the male tailor in Elegant Essentials seems to still charge some gold for copying item appearances. Yes, I know it's only 10 gold, though just leaving it here in case that wasn't intended.

-smacks a wolf and takes his hide to make back the lost cash-

Player's Corner / Server Meeting
« on: December 19, 2011, 09:48:13 PM »
Next progress meeting: 10th of March, 6:00 PM EST (11:00 AM GMT).
If there are any problems, let me know and I'll see if the time can be adjusted.


Currently shooting for: January 11th, 7:00 PM EST (January 12th, 12:00 AM UTC) Thanks for the discussion, everyone!

Right, so we know about the dwindling population of the server by now. There were ideas that were put forth in at least two other topics on what we should do. Now that the server has been unlocked and made secure via the Public CD Key system, I think we need to get the blood flowing on the server again. It's a bit... stagnant. And empty.

I'm proposing a live meeting on what we should be doing, not just in the threads here. If we want to start something, I think we need active discussion on it. Since the holidays are upon us (and the 'lovely' stress it brings), I think it would be best if we could set up a day and time for such a meeting in January. We could discuss it on MSN and/or the server itself.

Anyone have time to spare in that month? Players, builders, DMs, admins and all are welcome.

Probable (general) topics include: "How to get the server out there" and, "How to make it more accessible to newcomers". Any comments, questions, concerns, and ideas for topics would be nice, as would times of availability.

Bug Reports / Whip Dagger Base: Deletes both dagger and whip.
« on: September 28, 2011, 02:06:44 AM »
If you use the Whip Dagger Base unique power, it should be able to take any dagger, consume them both, and create a new whip with similar properties. Unfortunately, it only consumes them both and produces nothing.

That's pretty much it.

Player's Corner / Player/DM availability.
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:47:32 PM »
So, in another topic, I had stated that we should gather the times usually available for each player. I'll go ahead and start that. Try including your time in UTC to more easily measure up with others. This will help suggest when more people are available to play. I'll update this post as my times change (including the evil and dreaded monster that is Daylight Savings time). As usual, You can send me a Steam or MSN message (PM can work, too) if you want me on (if not already).

Updated: November 6th, 2011 (Woo, Daylight Savings is over)

Weekdays: 2:30 PM - 12:00 AM EST (7:30 PM - 5:00 AM UTC)

Weekends: ~10:00 AM - ~1:00 AM EST (3:00 PM - 6:00 AM UTC)

Technical Support / Cannot connect to Master Authentication Server.
« on: July 03, 2011, 05:10:38 PM »
While I can still play online, it is a bit of an odd issue. Self explanatory, I can no longer connect to the Master Server whenever logging in to Gamespy, which seems to (for the most part) delay logging in. This has been happening for days, now. If anything, I'm simply curious: Is anyone else here getting the same issue?

Also wondering if this has something to do with the rather recent legacy BioWare security breach, and if it will have an effect on any future account creation.

Bug Reports / Automated-Reload bugs & anomalies.
« on: June 11, 2011, 06:10:27 PM »
I love the new Auto-Reload thing, since it will keep the server from going too long without the reload. However, there's probably a bug here and there with the system, so I'm creating a topic for any bugs and anomalies, starting with one I've just experienced.

Current bug #1: Upon logging in this afternoon, when the clock read that 2 in-game days have passed since last reload, it suddenly popped up the message, "CHARACTER SAVED - SERVER RESETTING IN 10 SECONDS". Now, to be fair, I don't know if 10 seconds have passed by already, but I did hit the "Postpone Automated Server Reload", which declared that a reset will happen in 328 minutes (That's... not 3 hours. That's about 5.5 hours).

Tsu, do you think the reported in-game time was mixed up with the 'real-life' clock?

EDIT: The reset clock is going faster than it should. About an hour after this happened, it was already within '1 hour', gave the warning, and popped up the reset postpone option in the rest menu. About 4 minutes after the '20 minutes' warning, we've got the '4 minutes' warning. The reset clock is going based on game time, and going much faster than it should.

EDIT 2: Well, when Path and I had decided to let the time run out, we've found that it will repeat the "CHARACTER SAVED - SERVER RESETTING IN 10 SECONDS" message over, and over, and over, and over, without any actual reset happening.

May or may not be related to Reaver's lost axe, since he said he was copying TO the model, but something I did find when trying science (I must advise, stand back when I try science).

Some weapons, if you copy the appearance from the model onto a different kind of weapon altogether, may be completely destroyed and removed from one's inventory. This was attempted with a flail on a tailor model, while having a sickle equipped myself.

Yes, while this may be an obvious "Don't do it" kind of thing, it could be accidentally done and, maybe, mistaken since battle-axe and great-axe may accidentally get confused for one another. Safe way to try and avoid said scenario is to copy the weapon to the model, regardless of what's already there.

Bug Reports / NPCs missing item handouts.
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:19:25 AM »
There's two instances where an item is given out under certain conditions (Race or right dialogue choice), but instead, the item is never actually given (Even if dialogue says you have).

1. In Death's little vacation closet, the imp, even if you follow the dialogue just right, doesn't give out the page that a particular zombie wants back. Not much else to it, except he tells you to scram because he already 'gave' you the page.

2. In the Halfling village, the 'Greenfields', there is a temple to Yondalla with two halfling monks. If you're a halfling, you get a specific book from one of them. While the dialogue plays through, no book is actually received.

That's it so far.

Player's Corner / CEP 2.4
« on: March 29, 2011, 09:03:56 PM »
(Reposted, since I deleted the last one. Sorry about that, folks!)

So, after downloading CEP 2.4 and installing it, and finding no problems with backwards compatibility on the server, I checked around with the new content. A fair amount of it, specifically female torsos, are straight up 18+ stuff. Now, I'm not really a prude, but considering the mature content that's more obvious in this new release (Someone likes Social servers~), and the fact that the server was meant more for a PG-13 audience, it might be worth talking over.

Other than that, there's a fair bit of kilts added in (Unfortunately, not the plaid style. More Greek style than anything), some additional belts and other appearances (A bit too exotic for me, but only available when weapon color value goes beyond 4). We don't have rideable mounts, except for the paladin's, but there's more of those as well.

And thus I ask: Will there be plans to update to CEP 2.4, plus or minus any modifications, or what?

General Discussion / Neverwinter MMO
« on: August 24, 2010, 09:04:09 PM »
Atari & Cryptic Studios announce Neverwinter, coming Q4 2011.

Yeah, it seems the rumors were, in fact, real enough. There is a Neverwinter MMO coming out... and I'm kind of cringing. Five classes, most definitely an MMO with one persistent world, probably another monthly fee title, and only a mission creator so far for a toolset.

It's a bit early to say for sure what they're putting into the game, but so far, I'm not really liking the news. I'll leave that up to everyone else. It does bring to light about the fate of the region through and after the Spellplague, though. Either way, I think I'll stick with the classic Neverwinter Nights here (And no, not the AOL one).

Bug Reports / Tower of Doom: Rope no good anymore?
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:07:47 AM »
So, there was a little trick with the Tower of Doom, which involved a javelin and the rope found earlier in the dungeon. Combining them allowed access to a secret area (It involves the javelin, not the support in the start of level 3).

When I use the rope on the javelin (after firing it), it doesn't work. I remember it used to a long time ago, but now it doesn't.


Bug Reports / Naked Bounties
« on: January 28, 2010, 06:40:30 PM »
Kind of self explanatory, but me and MetalPig have been finding some bounties not wearing any armor. They seem to typically be gnomes, half-orcs, and dwarves, though it could be affecting all of them.

Bug Reports / War Trolls - Unkillable with fire, acid, anything.
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:42:45 PM »
In some of the recent events, there were War Trolls hanging around. We could get them to Near Death, but no further, despite the repeated use of fire and acid. Some would die, but some wouldn't, leaving them completely unkillable (Even to death spells). Some currently lurk about in the Crags and outside of Mirabar (At the time of posting).

And as a note as well, they can't be mind controlled, even if they fail their will save, and it doesn't report that they're immune.

As a thought, do death spells break their death script in the first place?

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