General Discussion / Quotes! Get your quotes!
« on: September 15, 2009, 02:42:56 PM »
Bring all your hilarious, serious, etc quotes here. For a start a little talk i had recently.
"Mobius 118 says:
One must rise to the occasion, however...
Mobius 118 says:
For the endgame is long and hard.
Mobius 118 says:
Many tubes are explored.
Mobius 118 says:
Probed for their secrets...
James: -Asplodes- You! CAKE OR DEATH!? says:
I'm finding it hard to figure out whether your still talking about the protagonist getting raped still, or about a level."
"Mobius 118 says:
One must rise to the occasion, however...
Mobius 118 says:
For the endgame is long and hard.
Mobius 118 says:
Many tubes are explored.
Mobius 118 says:
Probed for their secrets...
James: -Asplodes- You! CAKE OR DEATH!? says:
I'm finding it hard to figure out whether your still talking about the protagonist getting raped still, or about a level."