General Discussion / Re: Last Post Contest
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:15:30 PM »
It looks like y'alls server is down. I guess that means we can close this thread (and crown me the winner).
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General Discussion / Re: Last Post Contest« on: July 25, 2016, 09:15:30 PM »
It looks like y'alls server is down. I guess that means we can close this thread (and crown me the winner).
Player's Corner / Re: Server Status & Module Updates« on: October 03, 2015, 12:54:34 AM »
I knew my LotN trouble senses were tingling. If it continues to give you lip and you can't figure out why, slap me an email. The name host underwent some updates of some measure recently that may have upset the careful order of the universe. We can dabble in other clients or versions or such if need be.
Bug Reports / Re: Crash on DM log in« on: February 24, 2015, 11:50:45 PM »
First thing to check is if the module is over on resources. When you break the magic 16k limit, crashes happen. The server has been over before, so it's worth checking. I don't know the exact tech behind it, but the DM Client is known to trigger it if you're right on the edge. Probably something along the lines of it waiting to lazy load some of the blueprints that couldn't be spawned without a DM around to do so.
Easy way to check if you're in the ballpark is to load the module in the toolset. Doing so creates a folder called "temp0" in your modules folder with all the mod's files unpacked. If Windows says that folder's file count is flirting with 16,000, you have a problem and are going to have to do some purging. 4
Player's Corner / Re: Server Status & Module Updates« on: January 26, 2015, 05:26:59 PM »Question. nwn.lotn.info is supposed to make the direct connection using that information go to Darkie's IP (and subsequently the server) in NWN, right? It doesn't seem to work right for me still. For some reason, the change refused to stay. Every time I checked it, it had switched back to the prior address. I got the bright idea this morning to delete and recreate it. Let's see how well that takes. I swear, some hosting companies only stay in business because people like me are too lazy to deal with the hassle of migrating their stuff somewhere better. 5
Player's Corner / Re: Server Status & Module Updates« on: January 12, 2015, 05:56:28 PM »
Y'all ain't using the dyndns address anymore?
While I was in fixing some DNS problems bringing down the site that Tails pointed out to me, I went ahead and pointed nwn.lotn.info to If you get a new dynamic DNS account setup, I can redirect it to that for you, so that it can stay current. 6
Player's Corner / Re: Player Housing - The Pruning« on: September 08, 2014, 03:56:04 PM »
I consider Calhi a properly retired character now. It's safe to assume she's moved out of her "murder shed". There was enough speculation about what was really in her attic that it became something of a running joke that it'd become a full sized dungeon of impossibly large proportions (impossible for a shack attic, anyways) if she ever left. But feel free to allow someone else to move in or to do what ever you may with it.
General Discussion / Re: Portrait for my next character!« on: September 09, 2013, 07:14:44 PM »
*casts Mordenkainen's Magical Laser Pointer on forehead*
General Discussion / Re: Portrait for my next character!« on: September 08, 2013, 06:58:59 PM »
Cat beards always seem fun and trendy. Until somebody has to shave.
General Discussion / Re: The "Legacy" of the North« on: September 05, 2013, 03:03:41 PM »
Yo! For better or worse, yup. Wyn and I were just talking about you the other day, wondering what'd come of you.
General Discussion / Re: A Character Workshop: Blackguards« on: August 16, 2013, 06:26:23 PM »
Some random musings.
On the matters of the hells and abyss in Forgotten Realms... yeah, canonically, that's a bit of a mess. From what I gather in 3.X era, they dropped a lot of FR's personalized planar flavor. They didn't so much write it out as kind of ceased supporting it. It seems WotC wanted FR better tied to the core books now that it wasn't the default setting anymore. This became a lot more pronounced in 4th ed, as a playability handwave to make characters/races mostly interchangeable with settings (as if some plague of spells just happen to shape everything that way <.<; ). In 3.X FR, it's primarily the human pantheon and prime material plane that are unique to it and get the focus. It's generally assumed that the demi-human pantheons and other planes are shared between settings, with the occasional different name or fact. There's the occasional nod to old canon, but they generally took the attitude of not talking about it and leaving individual DMs and authors to reconcile the rounding errors when necessary. Now, there's the matter of this... Quote The character must have made peaceful contact with an evil outsider who was summoned by him or someone else. When it comes to mechanics interacting with roleplay, I've long since learned to take D&D with a grain of salt. These are the guys who thought the average rogue should have to wait until level 3 and pay a feat before they were allowed to hit anything in melee. Then they revamped a bunch of the mechanics and left it that way, because I guess they still thought it was a good idea. The blackguard's class requirements alone are pretty much proof they pulled most of their prerequisites out of a hat. Prereqs can be powerful roleplay motivators in a game, forcing the player to mentally and mechanically weigh character-defining traits, but 3.x went very overboard with them and they end up more miss than hit. But that one phrase is a special kind of badly written. Taken literally, if someone summons a demon and I meet it without killing it, I qualify as a Blackguard (assuming some degree of evilness and the other requirements are met). Conversely, if I'm wandering the hells (like you do when you're evil), meet a devil and forge a pact with it, I do not qualify because it was not summoned. Evil gods never even play into the requirements and a definitive power source is never outwardly confirmed beyond a little flavor text. Thankfully, that's what we have DMs for, but most DMs I've met are reluctant to bend the letter of the rules where ever they may be defined. So, if we wipe away that... mess of a mechanic, what are we left with? A character "that epitomizes pure evil". That seems like a simple and flexible definition, except Paladin taught me otherwise. Because alignment is probably the largest source of arguments in RPG history. A barbarian can be civilized, a bard can be shy, a rogue can be charitable and a druid can be happy in the city; but when an alignment defines your class, thou shalt not break expectations! In the minds of many, the cardboard cut-out stereotype becomes the center-piece. But you're allowed to decorate it, assuming the home owner's association approves and you keep the lawn well maintained. Persistent worlds have an added challenge. In tabletop D&D, most decisions and character defining moments are made at pivotal plot moments in what is generally a fairly lean story. Most of D&D's worlds are based on the idea that there is good, wishywashy good, and evil. Evil is bad and good hits them with sticks in exchange for gold yay we won the end. Beyond the core player races, morality is genetic, with gray areas and exceptions being few and usually major plot devices. In a PW, the pace slows down and there's a lot more down time. Bipolar morality gets real boring real fast when you stop to actually talk about it. The finer the teeth are on the comb you bring to it, the more such a character begins to come across as a stubborn extremist (which I guess, logically, they probably should be) and a hurdle to rational discussion. It takes pretty solid roleplay to make it work and keep it entertaining. Not impossible, but challenging to be sure. Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. >.> 11
General Discussion / Re: A Character Workshop: Blackguards« on: August 15, 2013, 10:21:47 PM »
Aye, I've long been accused of bending the rules when it comes to class interpretation. When told "here are your pre-approved pigeon holes, please don't color outside of the lines," I promptly begin doodling in the margins. I tried to behave, but Neverwinter Nights has very few classes compared to PnP, leaving you to either play nice with what you're given or fudge the concept to the best of your ability. Everyone's line of acceptable fudge is different, and there are some definite sacred cows out there.
For example, I played a paladin for about a month. It seemed like I couldn't say a phrase or take an action without being informed I was playing my character wrong. It was as if every one of my actions were preordained from the moment I clicked the word "Paladin". I ultimately rerolled as a fighter/CoT, but left the character and roleplay identical. Suddenly, people were more receptive to the character and willing to explore the fringes of Lawful Good. And on the note of paladins, if you ever want to have some fun: walk into any D&D forum, politely suggest a Paladin/Rogue character, then stand very far away with a bowl of popcorn. 12
Bug Reports / Re: Streaking is punishable by death!« on: August 13, 2013, 02:17:42 AM »
If it's a matter of equipping, I believe the default AI is smart enough to equip weapons it finds in its inventory on its own. Though it sounded like the problem was spawning the items in the first place.
However, the AI thing is just a pot shot guess, because it sounded familiar. Armor could be more complex than weapons, though I wouldn't even begin to guess how the game prioritizes dropped code. (I know it has a deep fondness for dropping delayed actions though.) Another thing to try would be adding a line that sets a string variable on the character equal to the resref of the item you're trying to spawn. If you get a naked character in the wild, check that variable to see what it was it tried (and failed) to spawn. If you get an odd resref, that might be an answer. Or worse, if the variable doesn't get set, that can narrow down what's getting dropped. 13
General Discussion / Re: A Character Workshop: Blackguards« on: August 12, 2013, 08:37:24 PM »
It could be strongly argued that my Blackguard isn't actually evil, but I'll mention the little devil for discussion's sake.
Limwen is a Blackguard of Malkizid. Short version is that a batch of paladins forged a pact with Malkizid to serve the ideals of his lords, the Seldarine. When he fell, the hierarchy changed in an unexpected way, and these paladins became blackguards, bound by blood to serve the archdevils, and later the yugoloths. Ancient magic is a potent and mysterious thing, and so the few to survive this perverse corporate restructuring passed on the pact to their offspring. 30,000 years later, Limwen was born. While not overtly evil, she's obligated to comply with the virtues of the yugoloths: slaughter, torture and profit. Doing so grants her power. Mercy, self-sacrifice and charity weaken her, with sometimes severe bouts of fatigue or illness after notably heroic deeds. Though actually quite the good person at heart, she walks a fuzzy line. When grim and greedy tasks are a factor in every decision one makes, perspective can become skewed and the lure of power can be great. Even the greatest of figures can slip, of which Malkizid makes a prime example. She's not an iconic blackguard, and probably rather rule-bending to the class purists. But she's mine. 14
Bug Reports / Re: Streaking is punishable by death!« on: August 12, 2013, 07:47:21 PM »
I ran into similar issues with Niccolo when I was programming him. Because no players are in the area when he spawns, the default NWN thing to do is to lower his process priority into the dirt. Without enough processing power dedicated to him, he would very reliably do very stupid things.
Because Nic is constantly doing things, I handled it with the very naughty method of permanently setting his priority to a higher level. This wouldn't be a good idea for bounties, as enough of them hungrily chomping away will have a meaningful impact on server performance. However, temporarily buffing their priority while they handle their business could solve the problem. Check out Nic for reference material, but you're going to be interested in the SetAILevel function. Alternatively, you could try altering the AI to spawn and equip items when players are present. Having a player in the same area is generally enough for NWN to give AI priority to a creature. 15
Events / Re: Let's get together - LotN "log in" time schedule!« on: April 22, 2013, 08:42:41 PM »
I can't make regular evenings, but knowing a time when others are more likely to be around will definitely encourage me to drop in more often.
Except Saturdays. I am also PNPing on Saturdays. Star Wars Saga Edition. I'm a droid. Very exciting. Except that I don't get a share of the loot. Because, in the sociological scope of things, I technically am loot. Good times. But don't plan around me, since I won't be a regular for the time being. I'll just try to occasionally make whatever you decide on. |