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Topics - tsunami282

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Bug Reports / Neverwinter Excavation caster
« on: May 19, 2013, 10:47:42 PM »
According to Tails, the archaeologist in the Neverwinter Excavation start area casts Evard's when attacked by bats. This spell is damaging to players. Any player familiars/summons will then attack the archaeologist, who can't be killed, and so life becomes complicated for everyone. Might need to rethink her powers and hostility settings.

General Discussion / Save the joules!
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:45:44 PM »
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm trying to get you to vote for something that benefits me - if you hate that sort of self-promotion, stop reading now kthx.)

Some of you know that I went back to college last year. I never finished my computer science degree the first time through, and decided it was finally time to do it. Working as the head scripter here at LotN inspired me to pursue a degree in Simulation & Game Development. I'm still a couple years from graduation, but a few months ago I landed a part-time job writing an iPhone app.

The app is called JouleBug, and it's all about helping you save money on your power bill, as well as taking a little stress off the planet. Our brand-new release is available in the Apple App Store this week AND we're entered in the "Apps for the Environment" challenge, held by the EPA.

I'm pretty proud of the work that I and my co-workers have done, and would like you to take a look and give us your vote! Voting takes less than four minutes at and must be completed by Oct 7th.  Make sure you click the "Vote" button - sharing on Facebook or Twitter doesn't count towards the contest (although sharing is appreciated!) In fact, encourage your friends to do the same if you are inclined.
If you have an iPhone, the app is free so head to the App Store for a copy of JouleBug. And if you have another kind of smartphone, well, be patient - we’ll get there. You can keep up with us at

Player's Corner / Please welcome GDM Pathseeker
« on: April 02, 2011, 10:14:29 PM »
Path has stepped up and volunteered to try his hand as guest DM. Due to limited staff availability, we're taking the training wheels off pretty early in his run, so please go easy on him, 'kay?

Feel free to offer constructive criticism to him in game. And please don't beg him for über lewt: he's forbidden to open the gates to the candy vault. You'll have to settle for shiny lewt instead, it's all he's authorized to give.

If you have questions about GDM'ing, or any attaboys for Pathseeker that you want to share, do it here.

Bug Reports / Lost paladin mounts
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:33:21 AM »
I've heard a report that sometimes a paladin can get separated from his mount. Apparently the only solution for this is to reset the server, or to have someone find the horse and kill it. I think I can script a fix for this in the rest menu "Use class abilities" section to either jump the horse to you, or to force it to be unsummoned. Does anyone have more details to add to the problem? Does anyone have thoughts on a more appropriate remedy for the problem? Comments solicited.

Bug Reports / Key problems - Wolf's Wineskin
« on: April 25, 2010, 03:24:10 AM »
Linna tells me she's having problems with the front door. Next time someone has the module checked out, I think you can fix it as follows:
- Area "Westing Lokk - The Wolf's Wineskin"
- Door tagged nwo_kateslodgeexit
- The key required should be set to zip_kateskey001

Bug Reports / Unable to login?
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:05:44 AM »
I had a really annoying experience tonight. I had been on, playing a bit. I jumped GDM-side for a few minutes, thinking I needed to do something quest-related. Turns out I didn't, so I tried to go back player-side. All of a sudden, the server was gone! It no longer showed up as alive in my recent History list. Connecting from the Internet tab, or even a direct-connect to didn't work. Both gave me the "Server not responding (timed out)" message. I could tracert to the server's IP just fine, though. I gave up trying after 15 minutes. I wonder if this is a problem anyone else has had? I don't know if it's something on my side, or on the server side. Maybe some sort of firewall thinking too many connects and disconnects are being made too frequently, and banning connections from the offending IP for a bit? Or maybe Windows 7 64-bit and NWN is just an impossible combination.

Sorry to those I left hanging. I hope you found a way to go on without me.

Bug Reports / Server Description truncated
« on: May 24, 2009, 01:36:07 PM »
There's a reason the serverdesc.txt file I gave you was formatted like it was, people. NWN / Gamespy is broken, and only displays the first 4 lines of info. It may look okay to you if you're connecting over a LAN, but over the Internet, it contains no useful information. It's truncated at "* Requires: NWN".

If you want people to come play, make sure that the requirements and the website URL are visible!

Here's the original file:
* Website:
* Requires: NWN 1.69, CEP 2.1 (

Player's Corner / A Note on CEP 2.2
« on: February 02, 2009, 04:54:09 PM »
Hello, all. Some people have been wondering about the new Community Expansion Pack (CEP) release, and how it affects play here.

While we currently still require CEP 2.1c, I have been using CEP 2.2c on my game client, and have had no problems.

So if you need to upgrade CEP in order to play other modules or PW's, things should be all fine with LotN.

If anyone finds an exception to this, let me know.

Player's Corner / Scheduled DM-Led Events
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:26:44 PM »
Party Time!

Date/Time: February 6th, 2009 @ 10 PM EST
Levels/Alignments: Any
Suggested Players: 10+

We'll be trying for another party this weekend.  Hopefully we'll have enough for Vampire and Never have I ever.  I'm hoping for a turnout of around 10 players.  If we don't have enough players for those events, I'll be running a quest instead.

Bug Reports / Dead Death Attack
« on: January 31, 2009, 05:07:34 AM »
Morty says that his death attack doesn't work. He's on Lipalli.

I've heard weird stuff happens if the server process stays up too long. We'll see if a full game exe restart cures it.

Player's Corner / Server Maintenance: Jan 4 2009 1100 EST
« on: January 04, 2009, 04:17:02 PM »
Doing some maintenance on the LotN server, including some Windows patches. Server will be back up in a couple hours.

Player's Corner / GDM Snow White
« on: December 29, 2008, 02:39:17 AM »
Please welcome GDM Snow White. You know the player as CorruptingVoid, or Talie. Let's all enjoy a few new quests and such for the next month!

Player's Corner / Server Maintenance: Dec 28 2008 1500GMT
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:58:02 PM »
Server's going down for maintenance for an hour or so. I'll let you know when it's up again.

Player's Corner / Server Maintenance Dec 6, 2008 10:45AM EST (-5GMT)
« on: December 06, 2008, 03:56:09 PM »
I'm having to do maintenance on the LotN server system. It should be back up within an hour or so.

General Discussion / Forum Conduct
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:05:15 PM »
I have grown concerned lately over the coarse language and casual references to substance abuse that I see here on these forums.

Please keep your posts to a PG-13 rating. We have younger players who read these forums, I don't want us to contribute to any bad habits.

I reserve the right for the staff to censor posts that we find violate the rule, and to possibly take further steps to correct repeat offenders.

Note that I do not plan to spend time reviewing prior posts. We'll just let them stand as they are, and my hope is that future postings will push any questionable ones into obscurity.

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