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Messages - dylan_the_rabbit

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General Discussion / Re: Gnomes!
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:29:10 PM »
Fully paid up member of Team Short's, Play Against Type squad here.

Yuichan Twinkin: Halfling Sorceress -(or Sauciness as she calls it)- madder than a sack full of wet cats in a burning Meth lab, and cute as a button to boot. With an alarming love of setting things -including herself, in fact mostly herself- on fire.

Ukko MacRoth: Halfling Barbarian, and yes I am going for a Terrifying Rage build with him. Mostly for the laughs of having a 3 foot tall (when on his tiptoes) Hin, clear a room full of burly Big'uns with an ungodly shout of anger.

However I do need a Gnome....Ukko is only 3rd, I could rebuild him as a Gnome.... *ponders*
Lugging a huge Axe around would give a reason for his orangutan arms after all.

Player's Corner / Re: Ideas for Renovation - Input Needed
« on: August 18, 2014, 08:15:39 PM »
I won't be implementing new Haks (unless we REALLY want one, and if we're sticking with CEP 2.3 there is no reason not to add more if we want), or updating CEP (We need to test to see if it can be done easily and without much issue before we even try).

I've stated on many occasions the changes I think need to be made to the server. One of the things I believe we need to do is implement some more haks, especially the PRC hakpak.

  • Cleaning out old player housing. We have quite a few old houses that players just are not around to use. I suggest we remove everyone who doesn't play often and keep the housing in ERF form. This can save some server size, and open up the option for new housing if people want it.
  • Re-light many areas of the server. Neverwinter Wood, Neverwinter City, and the High Road/Port Llast for start. The days are fairly fine, but nights are too bright and bland looking. Also ensure skyboxes are in every area. A few parts of the High Road have no skybox.
  • Spruce up Neverwinter Wood. Change the general layout a tad. Don't move anything, but spruce the areas up and change things around slightly. This will help bring it back to life somewhat instead of the same old woods from years and years ago.
  • Produce a list of overrides that are suggested to be downloaded by everyone. Not required, but suggested.

All those sound good to me.

Player's Corner / Re: CEP 2.4
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:28:47 AM »
Also, CEP 2.4 breaks the white horses - they suddenly grow wings. And there's nothing to replace them with. >_<

So winged horses but no horned horses, that's just anti-unicorn that is. >:(
Yuichan will cry, and send a strongly worded fireball to the makers of CEP 2.4, she really wanted a unicorn, but had to settle for a white pony.

On a more serious note; if 2.4 causes so many issues, then perhaps it is better to wait until a stable build is out and NZ has had time to do his cleaning up etc. Whilst lots of options is always good, perhaps not at the expense of server stability.

I know some people probably weren't expecting me to say that, given that I've been very vocal in my thoughts about updating and modernizing the server in other posts. However I'm not so blinkered as to sacrifice the stability of our 'little home away form home' just for the sake of change.

Even if this does mean that the aforementioned Halfling Sorceress has to wait a little longer for her unicorn and the anime style head with twin tails (that I think is in 2.4).

Player's Corner / Re: Esther's Emporium!
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:35:26 AM »
There's definitely some stuff there, a couple of my characters would be interested in.
Can I put a reserve on any of them?

Player Requests / Re: Character Vault Deletions
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:50:14 PM »
Thanks Tails, it's all good mate.

Player Requests / Re: Character Vault Deletions
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:12:52 PM »
Player_name dylan_the_rabbit

Characters to Delete:

Eruza Sukaretto
Erza Sukkerato
Halgrim Nargrimmson
Rory Mercury

Charcters to Keep:

All the Rest.


Player's Corner / Re: Stirring up interest again
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:25:39 AM »
All those dates sound good to me, I'll try and get Fealhach and Caligad on board too.

Player's Corner / Re: Stirring up interest again
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:01:40 PM »
I'm up for it Tails, just let me know when.

Player Requests / Re: Relevel Requests
« on: August 01, 2013, 09:13:10 PM »
Username: dylan_the_rabbit

Character name: Zacham Blake.(12 fighter/13 rogue)

Changes: I've been meaning to ask for this for a while. When I built Zach, for reasons known only to the Gods and Vodka, I put 13 points into concentration on a non spell caster. I also made several other equally useless skill choices and picked one or two crappy feats.

I'd like to do a rebuild on him to tighten up his skill package (i.e. not spend the points on skills that are of no use to his class) and swap out some feats, like his epic toughness for epic prowess. As i can't remember what levels I spent what skill points/feats on I'd like to respectfully request a rebuild on him.

His levels will remain the same (12 FTR/13 ROG).

Reason: He was the first character i ever made on any NWN server, so I really had no clue what I was doing and went by what skills had cool sounding names rather  than read the descriptions properly. So yeah....epic fail on my part.

Player Requests / Re: Character Vault Deletions
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:58:15 PM »
Player login: dylan_the_rabbit

Characters to delete: Grort
                              Halgrimm Nargrimmson

Characters to keep: All the rest

Many thanks

General Discussion / Re: Trials of Ascension
« on: February 21, 2013, 08:18:37 PM »
Well, I've followed the links and read the additional material. What can I say?...

This Game needs to happen.

I'm thoroughly impressed by the scope of Forged Chaos's ambition, so much so I've joined the forum and I will definitely be contributing to the kickstarter campaign when it's launched.

I would encourage anyone else on the LoTN forum, to give a bit of their time to read the extra information on the ToA website and listen to the podcasts. Perhaps you will become as enthralled with the concept as I am.

Maybe this could become one of the 'projects' that have been discussed on other threads here. Something that the everyone on LoTN can get involved in together, heck we'd probably have enough people to form the basis of our own settlement.

Northern Legacy Village anyone?

I need this game in my life, hell when it gets released it'll probably become my life.

Spread the word.

Player's Corner / Re: Server Meeting
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:12:18 AM »
Sorry guys I wont be able to make it, as I'm working on Sunday  >:(

Events / Re: Multi-session quest interest
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:11:06 PM »
Sweet! count me in too.

*All the rebels and Fealhach turn round expecting to see Luke...but its just Dyl*

Events / Re: Multi-session quest interest
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:33:05 PM »
Okay how does level 8-12 sound to you?

Is that start at level 8 and finish at level12? or its for any character between those levels?

Player's Corner / Re: Server Meeting
« on: January 11, 2012, 07:33:20 AM »
Would anyone be against a follow-up meeting the next day at the same time?

Nope, I'll try and be there for it.

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