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Welcome to Legacy of the North

Legacy of the North is a longstanding role-playing server on Neverwinter Nights.  Our world is based on the North setting in Faerun.  We have a strong community as well as an active DM and building staff which are continually updating and expanding the server for its players to explore.  Many of our systems are customized, including our UMD and scrolls rules, appraisal and loot system and much more.  We hope you enjoy your experience on our server and feel free to leave any comment and suggestions on our forums.

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xx Salvation
April 09, 2010, 05:49:30 AM by Jocularity

The streets of Neverwinter are alive with talk of a miracle. Armon Cove stands now as a ghost down of Shacks, falling down with the wind. This is because the people that were there have returned to Neverwinter, cleansed of their curse. An ear on the streets hears stories of purple fire, cauldrons of blood, and two sorceresses. A white haired and black haired one. The Rumors have so many different tellings, of personal experiences and holy underlines, but these are the facts that remain constant.
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xx Forest Mystery Solved
April 05, 2010, 09:38:39 AM by Kattze
Priests and priestesses of Chauntea from across the region are making a pilgrimage to the healing fountain in the Neverwinter Wood encampment after newfound evidence the goddess herself created the healing waters known as Jannath's Tears.

Word is also spreading that the curse in the forest has been lifted, the animals are regaining their senses and new growths of flowers and plants finding their way into sunlight.  The adventurers that frequent the encampment are claiming ignorance of whatever happened to lift the curse but with the wreckage of many fallen treants littering the wood and the strange tree within the Bloodied Grove torn open writers of the Llast Word will no doubt discover the true story.
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xx Quarantined again...
February 20, 2010, 10:57:11 PM by Jocularity

In a night of chaos and confusion, the gates of the beggar's nest of Neverwinter city were pulled closed and locked. The guards have tried to stop everyone being alarmed, but the newspapers got wind of the event, and have released an issue that brought fear and unrest to the rest of the city...

Shortly after, Lord Orrick sent in a team to investigate the situation. They discovered the head of a vampire in a well used water supply. The disease coursing through the beggars nest is a form of lesser Vampirism. Heated debates are flaring over whether or not to consider the people to be human anymore.
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xx Luskan Opens Its Dungeons!
January 24, 2010, 03:26:24 AM by Sakes

Luskan, in response to a food shortage caused by unusual weather patterns, has pardoned hundreds of hardened criminals from their jails.  According to the city, they simply could not afford to feed the prisoners, and decided to pardon them all with the understanding that if any of them return to the city they will be executed.

Lord Bradley in response to outraged Neverwinter Citizens concerned for their safety has, with the approval of the council, appropriated funds to an extensive new initiative to catch the criminals, relying mostly on private outside help on a bounty basis rather then through the official guard which is not up to the task.

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xx New Bounty System
January 23, 2010, 03:46:43 PM by Sakes

Why Yes... that IS a new bounty board.

We are almost ready to go live with a new dynamic bounty system.  How does it differ from the old one you ask?  Bounties are automatically spawned via script, meaning there will ALWAYS be bounties up.

If you'd like to help and get sneak preview of the system before we go live, you can log into Bounty Test under Tech Support.  Your feedback and Bug reports are much appreciated.
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